changing computers

hi I just bought a brand new shinny intel MacBook pro laptop and i want to transfer unity over to it how could i do that?

I would prefer to keep it on both computers but its ok with me if i have to remove it from my other computer :smile:

The End User License Agreement (EULA) that you read, understood and accepted as part of installing Unity covers this. For reference, you can find the EULA here: Unity 2.x End User License Agreement Of specific interest is Section 1: Grant of License, which states:

“A license of the Software may be installed on two computers simultaneously. You may copy the Software for back-up or archival purposes.”

So have at it!

We all do read those things in full every time, right? :stuck_out_tongue: :lol:

thanks but how exactly can I get it on to my computer and have it work because the old activation code won’t work and when I just try to copy the application on to it when i try to open it recognizes that its not the right computer?

There are two primary causes of serial numbers “not working”*:

  • There are issues with performing an online activation in which case you can follow the manual activation code and email us ( or the file that’s produced along with your serial number.

  • You’ve already installed on two machines and this is now the third unique machine. If that’s the case then please note that you’re only allowed to have it installed on two machines so you’ll need to remove Unity from one of those machines first. Write us ( or with your serial number and we’ll help you guide you through it all.

In this case you can work with me directly (, start by emailing me your serial number as I can find one using your email address (as provided in your forum profile) and we’ll take it from there.

*When you’re discussing issues like this please try to be more descriptive, thanks.

thank you very much for your help I retried the online activation and it worked
im sorry for being not descriptive enough and i hope i haven,t wasted your
time :sweat_smile:

No worries, I’m just glad you’re up and running! :slight_smile:

Rock on!