how can I convert this to javascript Im getting errors like insert “;” and expecting “)” and unexpected token “)”
#pragma strict
import System.IO;
var express = require("express");
var events = require("events");
var app = express();
var eventer = new events.EventEmmiter();
var comments = [];
function Start () {
function Update () {
PlayerData playerdata = new PlayerData();
playerdata.position = transform.position;
var json = JsonUtility.ToJson (playerdata);
Debug.Log (json);
var path = "Assets/SaveFile.json";
FileStream filestream = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (filestream)) {
writer.Write (json);
That isn’t C# though. Looks like JS already, which Unity doesn’t actually support anymore unless you’re still using 2017.x or one of the early 2018.x versions.
Yes Im using Unity 2017 and I already tried to convert it into javascript that is the code I came up with but it doesn’t work
July 24, 2020, 7:20pm
Again, the code you posted already is JavaScript. There’s no conversion needed, unless you mean you want to convert it to C#.
Are you maybe mixing up these two languages?
Nevermind, I just noticed the C# code syntax inside the Update function.
In JavaScript (more specifically, UnityScript), the types of variables/references are declared after the names. So you’d change this:
PlayerData playerData =
To this:
var playerData: PlayerData =
And do the same for the other declarations.
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I fixed everything but this part of the code. It says its missing a semicolon on first line.
var StreamWriter: writer = new StreamWriter (filestream) {
writer.Write (json);
July 24, 2020, 11:20pm
You can get rid of those curly braces, since the using
statement is gone:
var StreamWriter: writer = new StreamWriter(filestream);
It’s worth mentioning though that the purpose of the C# using
keyword in this context is to free up system resources after closing the file-stream.
I’ve never used UnityScript before, so I don’t know if it has an equivalent to this, or if it just isn’t needed here.