I need to make a database that hold's items. I want to first declare the item sheets data types such as:
Name = String
Range = float
Damage = uint
speed = float
model = string
Please help!
This is for testing purposes then I will convert it to an excel sheet on my database online.
if you are using c#, you could use the XmlDocument namespace. Excel can import XMl, and you cna write xml easily.
Consider making something like this.
Here is the MSDN on the namespace : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmldocument.aspx
here is how to write is in c# : http://programming.top54u.com/post/ASP-Net-XmlDocument-XPath-C-sharp-examples.aspx
and als0 :http://omegacoder.com/?p=46
you make a ne XMl DOcument, like XmlDocument mydoc = new XmlDocument, and then you append nodes you make
so XmlNode itemnode = mydoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Item", null);
also: XmlNode root = mydoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Items", null);
also the attributes: XmlAttribute name = mydoc.CreateAttribute("Name");
then use appendchild to stick everythign where it needs to be
and then at the end, make sure you write it.
hope thats a start.
July 25, 2014, 5:55am
XMLDocument can’t append data to excel
You just simply use zetexcel to Create an “excel sheet” through C# script. Just download from ZetExcel.com work very quickly.