Difference between gameObject.transform and just transform?

Hello there!
I have started to learn c# over the last few weeks and while programming a question came into my mind.
If I have a script attached to a gameobject, what’s the difference at calling “gameObject.transform” and just “transform”.
For example: If I want to get the current position of my Object I would do something like this:

void Update () {

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            Vector3 pos1 = gameObject.transform.position;
            Debug.Log("Position1: " + pos1);

            Vector3 pos2 = transform.position;
            Debug.Log("Position2: " + pos2);


But when tested it gives out the exact same information. What is the difference? And for what do I need the “gameObject” when I can get the same information without it?
Thanks for your help in advanced!

You don’t need to write gameObject, because it acces to THIS script as GameObject, what is necessary.
The only one difference is that:

gameObject.transform is like : this.GetComponent<.GameObject>().GetComponent<.Transform>();

transform is just: GetComponent<.Transform> (); and Unity knows you want to call transform for THIS object.
I would say gameObject.transform is “this.transform” and transform is “this.transform” aswell but I think just transform is better to performance.