DPI Scaling Issues on 4k monitor

Hi, I’m running Ubuntu 16.04 and Unity 5.4.0f3

I have a Clevo (Sager) NP9870 laptop that has a 4k monitor. It is currently not scaling with the Ubuntu Display settings. I have them set to 2x, yet the editor doesn’t seem to be adjusting properly to that.

Also, on a side note, would I be able to use Unity properly with i3 window manager?

We currently don’t have support for display scaling.
I don’t know of any reason why Unity wouldn’t work with i3wm, but I haven’t tested it there.

Hi @Tak , is display scaling planned for a future version? I’d love to use unity on my fedora 4k laptop. Of course the high cpu usage bug is much more important to be solved.

Yes, it is planned.


@Tak Any idea when this is? I just upgraded to a 4k monitor, and while the GUI is fine, the game mode view is pixelated

@Flurgle what do you mean the GUI is fine on your 4k monitor? the problem with HiDPI is exactly that the GUI is too small. Are you on linux?

@kmare , I’ll explain. Having 4k, I’m used to application GUIs “upscaling”, and Unity was no different. However, I thought the game view would be ok, but it is upscaled as well, and looks pixelated. So if you’re ok with that, then its fine, but I’m doing some high fidelity graphics stuff, and I need it pixel perfect.

Honestly, this is really bad, but I think Unity is making a big effort this year to help artists, and graphics people, so maybe it will be in the next update :slight_smile:

Right now I’m using disabled DPI settings. The GUI is super small, but I get nice graphics.

@Flurgle hmm thanks for the info. I’m on Fedora 25, every application I need/use upscales just fine (intelliJ products, firefox, chrome, libreoffice, blender, every gnome app, etc). But with unity, I get the native resolution which is seriously small for my 15.6" 4K laptop. It’s really the only application with this problem and I have no clue how to upscale it to an acceptable point. Just tried the Unreal Engine, and while it starts up with the same problem, you can at least upscale the whole gui/widgets from the settings and get to work with it normally. Wish unity was the same. At least some info like if it is to be expected any time soon would help.

@kmare , yes, if unity had an upscale feature, that would be terrific!

Dell released a 8k monitor, so Unity needs to get something done, because resolutions are getting huge!

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