Moved from Unity 4.6 to 5. Previously using JavaScript but now trying C#. Have tried to resolve this using information from answers to similar questions. Gather I need to be using GetComponent() but I cannot get it work.
An Object reference is required to access non-static member ‘UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D.velocity’
I suspect because of this, I am getting a further error:
Error CS0103: The name ‘Destroy’ does not exist in the current context.
This is the script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class BetaProperties {
// Allow access to variables in game manager script
GameManager myGameManager = new GameManager ();
private int CountCollisions = 0;
private float ExistTimer = 0.0f;
void Start () {
// Launch particle in random direction at a given force
UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D.velocity = Quaternion.AngleAxis (Random.Range (0, 360), Vector3.forward) * Vector3.up * 2;
// Start a counter
void Update () {
if (ExistTimer >= 0.0) {
ExistTimer += Time.deltaTime;
void OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D col) {
// If collision is on a wall but less than 5 collisions, increase collision counter
if ((col.gameObject.tag != "Wall") && (col.gameObject.tag != "Beta") && (CountCollisions < 5)) {
CountCollisions ++;
// If collision is on wall with 5 or more collisions OR if colliding with another particle, destroy and add 50 to temperature
else if (((col.gameObject.tag != "Wall") && (col.gameObject.tag != "Beta") && (CountCollisions >= 5)) || ((col.gameObject.tag == "Beta") && (ExistTimer >= 1))) {
myGameManager.CurrentTemp = myGameManager.CurrentTemp + 50;
Please help if you can!