Eye Targeting

I’m building a 360 stereoscopic video player, but I’ve spotted something odd when creating cameras to target each eye. Only one seems to be active at a time so when I start one eye is black, then when turning off the working camera, the image is frozen the previously black eye starts working again.

Further experiments suggests that if a single eye is specified on one camera, all content is rendered to that eye, even if another camera rendering to the second eye is present.

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Hi kstafferton,
Thanks for reporting this. Could you please file a bug report with a minimal reproduction case for this and reply in this thread with the report #?

Report submitted as #861752.

I can confirm this is an issue on 5.6.0b2 beta as well.

Spent an entire day troubleshooting why there is always one eye not working, when doing stereoscopic mode with two cameras and their “Target eye” set to Left and the other to Right. For me I believe I could force select either the left or right eye by setting the depth order of the two cameras, so that the one with the highest depth value, is the one showing content, whereas the other is stuck.

In my scene trying this, right after Unity splash screen running on Android, it goes to show the stereovision, but on the camera with the lowest depth value, “remains” of the Unity splash screen hangs with the “Made with Unity” white text flashing rapidly and grey background. The other eye renders correctly (Right eye below)

I just tested this and found that the Target Eyes work correct back in 5.4.2f2, but not sure when the bug was introduced.

In addition to bug #861752 outlined above, I’ve reproduced this strange behavior on beta versions 5.6.0b4 - 0b6. I’m interested in creating content with the new Unity version after the Left/Right eye problems are sorted out.

Perhaps related is our filed bug report, Case 872860. We found that if you turned off display duplication for VR headsets (eg: I don’t want to see what the player sees in the game window) we’d start seeing some very weird sorting errors with our other cameras. Repro project attached to the case there.

You can follow the resolution process of this issue here:

Hi @LeonhardP , I’m relatively new to Unity 3D issue tracking - would it be beneficial for me to a version of my encountered issues to the comments of that resolution process?

I don’t think so. QA tests for other versions once they confirm a reported bug anyway. If the issue tracker says that a bug has been fixed in version X (not just fixed, as that doesn’t necessarily entail that the fix has been implemented yet) and you still encounter the issue, please file a bug report.

Looks like it’s been fixed in 5.6.0f1.

Confirmed fixed in 5.6.0f1 and f2.

Also confirmed: Unity didn’t list this as a fix in their changelog!

Thanks for the catch! We’ll add it now.