Fast Line Renderer

Greetings! This thread is for the Fast Line Renderer asset for Unity. Download link here: Fast Line Renderer for Unity - GPU Line and Particle System | Particles/Effects | Unity Asset Store

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Wowo it’s a great asset. Windows Phone support is planned??

Bought this yesterday, fast and easy to use.

I need to draw an arrow but the end cap is scaled to match the line width. Any chance you could make a change to allow this? Perhaps relative scaling of the end cap size, or maybe a checkbox to maintain the relative texture sizes? (I realize this also complicates joined lines, but in my case it would be a single-segment curve.)


Looks great, does it support multiple widths along the same line? (assuming that I have control over the line points, for example to increase the line width in the center of the line and make it thiner at the start and end)

Also want to know if it can render textured lines.

Thanks in advance

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What about circles or arcs?

I threw a silly email at you…

The selection circles and the movement arcs in this shot are all FLR, and you can put end caps on the lines (my arrowhead offset above ground is still off a bit, you can see it clips into the map surface).


Thanks for the reply. :wink:

Should work out of the box. If not, let me know and I will refund, just send the order number.

Yes to all. Email if you need guidance.

Definitely yes!

This is the problem with linecaps…

even the example demo’s show problems with the linecaps when you move the camera too close… from a distance they are ok though.

Also the prefab for FasterlineRendererCanvas… compared to the demo example for Canvas… it is missing the 2D Settings and layer sorting?

How close is your camera? I haven’t upgraded in a couple months but in that screenshot I posted last month (European map with the tanks etc) the camera is probably closer to the lines than anything you’re likely to see anywhere else.

Due to a need to simplify frequent interactions with a shader, it was best if my map was 1x1 units, so the camera is always tiny fractions of a unit away from the lines. For debugging I’ve had it as close as 0.001 units from a line ending and didn’t see endcap problems.

It can be kind of tricky to get the textures right for very close-up work, it may just be a texture issue. I find the endcaps have to be quite a bit smaller (the drawn area, but overall texture dimensions are the same) to look right.

Well different problem here… all line radius’sss are at 0.05f… unfortunately just to how they work some appear thinner or thicker depending on camera angle and distance… I just removed start/end caps from showing… problem solved on that on… having them wasn’t really needed… but even so they are a problem if on for me.

Hi there! What is the size of your line cap texture vs. your line texture?

ooh and in this earlier screen…

you can see the horizontal linecaps are the ones with a huge difference in size between line width and linecap… while the vertical lines and linecaps… actually work fairly well.

and the above screenshot its the vertical lines that are super thin… if the caps were on, you would see that difference in size. I guess its because those vertical lines have the bigger distance from start and end vertex position. Seems to stretch the texture

Yes, the line cap textures generally take some tweaking to get right. I made the prebuilt arrow caps in the asset and it took a few rounds of iterating before they worked right.

scale sizes are all at 1… and just using the default textures

btw the canvas issue?

also if using the FLRCanvas… does that count towards the canvas vertex limit?

And I’m using the worldspace option (that only works for canvas?)… really I’m wanting to have these lines draw ontop of existing geometry. What would be the best way? 2 cameras where FLrenderer is on one 1 camera? seems kinda messy is there another way?

Are you able to email me the project? I’d like to understand this further and fix it.

Well well well…

the case of the thick lines… was infact 2 lines just noticed it now :smile:

Was adjusting some values colors and vector line positions… and yeh looks like before things were soo close, my 3d grid generating code was duplicating a few things… also before the colors weren’t transparent which didn’t help me notice this issue earlier. so closely together they were :smile:

The line caps are still b0rked though, good thing I’m not using those.