FPS counter on Android?

So I tried adding a FPS counter to an Android project and I’m pretty sure it’s wrong.

I’ve tried both FPSDisplay.cs and CSharp HUDFPS.cs and the FPS is clearly wrong when running on Android. Like I threw ten thousand particles in there and it’s clearly not running at 60fps but it claims it is.

(Just in case, ADB connect is not working for me, if it were I’d run adb logcat –s “UnityPlugin” and get FPS from there. So if your solution is to just tell me to use that instead, it’s easier said than done.)

I also suspect this could be related to my other problem so if I fix one I’ll fix the other. Like I guess if it’s slowing time so a second takes twice as long, it might still think it’s getting 60fps even though it’s not. But I threw Time.timeScale into the display and it’s staying at 1.0

I’ve also tried script listed here:

Also note when I run these in the editor, the FPS will jump around a little bit, when I run them on the Android, it’s always rock-steady. I’ve even added a Random.range(0f,1f) to the display just to prove it’s updating.

Under Project Settings / Time the Maximum Allowed Timestep was set to exactly the same as Fixed Timestep. Increasing Maximum Allowed Timestep allowed my FPS to vary.