Does anyone have some example code I can add to track the iphone fps stats? I am trying some different things to see if I get faster frame rates…so having a way to see that on the iphone while testing would be great. Also I have read that putting text on the screen can actually slow down the fps down…so would having the fps info on the screen actually make it slower?
Okay, you can do this inside Instruments for actual frame-rates or attach the code below to a GUI Text (and yes, you will see a minor performance hit but not much)
// Attach this to a GUIText to make a frames/second indicator.
// It calculates frames/second over each updateInterval,
// so the display does not keep changing wildly.
// It is also fairly accurate at very low FPS counts (<10).
// We do this not by simply counting frames per interval, but
// by accumulating FPS for each frame. This way we end up with
// correct overall FPS even if the interval renders something like
// 5.5 frames.
var updateInterval = 0.5;
private var accum = 0.0; // FPS accumulated over the interval
private var frames = 0; // Frames drawn over the interval
private var timeleft : float; // Left time for current interval
function Start()
if( !guiText )
print ("FramesPerSecond needs a GUIText component!");
enabled = false;
timeleft = updateInterval;
function Update()
timeleft -= Time.deltaTime;
accum += Time.timeScale/Time.deltaTime;
// Interval ended - update GUI text and start new interval
if( timeleft <= 0.0 )
// display two fractional digits (f2 format)
guiText.text = "" + (accum/frames).ToString("f2");
timeleft = updateInterval;
accum = 0.0;
frames = 0;