I am busy working on Galactic Armada full time now. If you like space, space action combat, fleet command and tactics and 4x strategy games. Be sure to follow my progress. I am creating a very unique game, one that I have always wanted to play but no one has ever made!
Thank you, your support and interest is appreciated!
New Update:
Over the weekend I have implemented further optimizations and installed the following: - Added another small fighter class ship, with duel fire lasers. - Distance LOD for ship hull mesh (3 levels deep) - LOD control to disable shields (which can be cpu resource heavy). - Audio Controller for Ships (weapons fire, projectile impact, shield impact) - Game Core framework Audio Controller Manager - Setup “Placeholder” soundFX to test the system out. -LOD control to swap out complex mesh colliders with convex for ships that are distant from the player. - Improved the ship mounted turret targeting acquisition system - Found some nice icons to represent ship classes and objects in space. -Improved shield impact effect, installed support for laser fire impacts. BEEN A BUSY WEEKEND, HOPE YOU LIKE THE PROGRESS SO FAR! Next I will be doing some work to the pathfinding system to make some improvements for navigating around the large station structure as well as upgrades to the Engine and Physics control systems.
This is a performance test with 200 ships using the new pathfinding system. The results are pretty good but there is some room for improvement. The good news is that the system only had a slightly higher resource overhead and is much more accurate than the previous system. No ships are getting hung or stuck on or in the large station structure. For now, I am going to move on to building the BattleGroup and Squad systems, that will allow me to further optimize the targeting systems by offloading them from individual ships to the squad and battlegroup AI commanders which will significantly reduce resource overhead on the cpu. After that will be Weapon Damage, Shield and Hull damage and HP bars on the on screen indicators to indicate damage on ships as well as ship explosions.
I decided to run a test of 450 ships (Active Ai Agents) just to see how it would perform. I am also testing out the pathfinding of the new Frigate class capital ships I am setting up. I wanted to have at least one capital class ship going in the scene as I build new systems, which allows me to test them and spot any issues while testing other things. I would say that given the circumstances and the fact this is running SINGLE THREADED only, it is performing quite well. It will only get better once Squads and BattleGroup systems are introduced and targeting systems will be offloaded to AI commanders that will command and do targeting for groups of ships, at the moment each individual ship is gathering it’ own targeting data which is where a majority of the CPU overhead is coming from with so many active agents.
Added the first and smallest Capital class ship, A frigate. - Added artillery turrets to the frigate - Added Burst Fire point defense cannons to the frigate. - Fixed the distance LOD system to render capital ships separately from fighter class ships. - Adjusted pathfinding for capital class ships. UP Next: -Custom shader for ships to render damage textures and also control emission level of engine lights. - 2 new turret weapon types, Missile and Flak Cannons + Flak Cannon Explosive Rounds. Flak cannons as well as point defense cannons will be able to shoot down incoming missiles, point defense cannons will prioritize incoming missiles over other targets around the ships.
Completed the new ship shader which will allow for adjusting engine emission according to the ships speed. I decided I probably won’t be using fancy particle effects for engine FX, though I could add it later on. For now, I’m moving onto a “Highlight Shader” which will highlight ships when you select them, this will be used later on when a player selects a squad or battlegroup, which all of the ships contained within them will be highlighted and visually represented in the combat zone. After that, I am moving on to Missile turrets. rockets and fixed point directed missiles/rockets which will including homing missiles. The missile system will also include a Physics based explosive Force around explosions that will effect nearby ships.
In this update I show what I am currently working on which is the BattleGroup & Squad Systems plus the Command UI for the Groups. I have also built a ship highlight shader which highlights ships within battlegroups and squads when they are selected so they can be more easily seen within the battlespace. This is a work in progress, stay tuned for more updates! Next update will mostly likely have at least a “rough draft” of the various command UI interfaces that will be within the battlespace aspect of the game. Once they are setup I will start implementing the Command Layer aspect of the programming that interfaces UI mechanics with ships internal systems allowing them to follow and execute orders both from a player and eventually a controlling Ai.
It has been a busy weekend and I got some work done to the BattleGroup command UI, also added a new “Supply Transport” ship.
In this update I showcase some more features that I am working on such as the Tactical View camera perspective and the MiniMap which appears in the tactical view combat UI. Also some minor graphics and target indicator updates.
In this update I showcase the “First Person” mode walking on the flight deck of a carrier class capital ship. The carrier, will house player flyable spacecraft and serve as a launching point for them when they are activated. It also provides a nice view of the epic and intense battles that will rage on in Galactic Armada. In the next update, I will likely have a basic flight controller done for one of the ships on the flight deck along with the ability to launch and transition in and out of the ship, from the Tactical Combat UI, free flight camera and FPS mode, as well as return the ship back to the carrier.
In this video I show some of the recent work I am doing. Since the last video I have: -Improved near collision avoidance system - Added Flak Cannon Turret with Explosive Physics effect around the explosion area. - Improved Turret Targeting System -Scaled the world down to 1/10th Normal unity scale to Fix shadow issues. - Created a new planet shader with atmosphere. The bloom effect around the planet is smoother in the game build render than it is in the video recording.
In this update I have added: - Missile Turrets with a seeker homing missile - New missile cruiser ship - Added Physics Explosive Force “Spin Out” effect when ships are hit with explosions - More work done to Audio system
In the past week I have focused heavily on performance optimizations of key systems. Here are some of the things I have updated. - Switched the projectile system from a pooling system to a Batched DrawMeshInstanced system to reduce drawcalls for projectiles. - Worked on Missile launch system as well as missile detonation. Missiles now follow a launch guide in the local space of the ship they are launched from which matches that ships velocities before engaging homing to its target to prevent missiles from being struck by the launching vessel when it turns. - Did a lot of other optimizations to ship systems - Optimized the minimap system - Added Laser Turrets of multiple types. (Burst, long duration fire)
In this update I have done the following. - Expanded the Projectile DrawMesh batching system to support more projectile rounds efficiently. - Improved the flight mechanics of ships and reduced the amount of drag on rigidbodies so ships fly more like spaceships. - Fixed the RigidBody “Stutter” effect from applying my own rotations to the rigidbodies. - Added lighting to ship explosions. - Improved the collision avoidance system - Improved the targeting acquisition system
PathFinding Update. It is getting closer to where it needs to be.
In this update I show the current progress on the collision avoidance pathfinding system. I have capital ships fully navigating an asteroid field, as well as fighters also attacking capital ships and avoiding nearby asteroids. I have also setup the turrets for the small carrier ship. Only a few things left to do and I’m ready to move on to other systems.
In this update I show some of my current progress on the project which includes the Squad system and Squad AI. Some of the functionality currently implemented: -Squads have interchangeable formation shapes. -Squad members stay in formation according the shape of the Grid assigned to the squad leader. - Squads are given orders by the squad leader (currently). - Some of the basic Squad AI states are ordering members to attack targets, defend the squad leader, return to formation, follow a target. - Squad members can be removed/assigned to other squads The next thing I am working on is the BattleGroup AI and BattleGroups, which will function in a similiar fashion to squads with the excepting being Battlegroups will have a flagship/leader that is a capital ship, Battlegroup Leader AI’s will control overall tactics by ordering Squads to carry out various tasks. Battlegroup AI’s primary goals will be to determine targeting priorities for squads, when squads should return to the fleet to repair and re-arm as well as control the overall navigation priorities for the fleet.