Game Performance Reporting Preview FAQ

What is Game Performance Reporting?

Game Performance Reporting is a brand new service currently in preview. Exception Logging is one of the first features available with Game Performance Reporting. Exception Logging captures exceptions in editor, development builds and release builds, and provides detailed reports that can be read via a web dashboard.

Game Performance Reporting is currently in preview mode, to get your feedback on the features that will help you build great performing games. We plan to add additional performance reporting features in the future.

Who can use it?

Game Performance Reporting is currently available to Unity 5 Pro customers, at no charge.

How do I sign up?

What platforms are supported?

We currently support iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, and Web Player.

How long does it take to see our reports?

Depending on traffic, it should take no more than ten minutes for exceptions to be reported on the web.

How do I report a bug or issue with the Game Performance preview?

Feel free to post in the forum and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Is the client compatible with Unity 4.6.3, or only 5?

Does Exception Logging currently only cover exceptions from managed code? If so, are there plans to have crash dumps from native code, and log files, available through the Game Performance Reporting system? Or, should I be looking at other Unity features to report crashes in native code to our servers?


The client will work, but in order to access the service, you will need a 5 Pro license.

Currently, yes, it only covers exceptions from managed code. We are looking at other types of data (logging, etc) to be added to the service, but currently it’s only managed code.

Cool. Yes we have Unity 5 Pro licenses… like 20 of them for the team. But our project is still 4.6.3. Going to be a few patch releases before our project is able to work in 5 probably.

T___T… i only own free …just 1…

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I would like to see errors and warnings as well. Debug.LogError doesn’t look conceptually different from throw new Exception but doesn’t terminate code execution.

I have a question. In the CrashReporting.Init(“1”); you can provide three params (project ID, Version and user ID). Are Version and user ID already working as the ThrowMeAnException.cs example only shows usage for the 1st param.


We don’t populate the version and user fields in that script, but on the “Getting started” page for your project, we have an example you can use down at the bottom (Step 5)

“CrashReporting.Init(“ProjectIDhere”, “1.0.0”, “User01”);”


@alexzzzz thanks for the feedback. Errors and warnings are definitely on our roadmap.

+1 for support of errors and warnings

second that

@anon_36705745 - I’m getting a 404 page when trying to use the “Manage Collaborators” button on the website:

Hey @PixelParts , really sorry to hear that. Is this still occurring?

@andyk-unity - yes. I tried it in both Chrome and Safari on OSX.

@PixelParts What happens when you go to just “”?

Same issue.



I think the issue might be because I changed the organization name. Using the old name works for to get around this.

Yep, that looks like the issue. Bug has been logged and we’re getting it taken care of. Sorry about that.