Hey guys, I’m new to game development and quite new to program coding. A few weeks ago I decided to make my own game for mobile platforms, with an interesting concept, so now I need some help with Unity. Actually, I’m a web-designer and I’m familiar with HTML, JavaScript and a bit C++. I also work in 3d and have a friend who will make animations for my rigs and models, so the visuals and interface is not a problem. As I said game development is a dark forest for me and I need some help with my situation.
- What language should I pick? I know JavaScript pretty good, but I’ve read it’s not a good choice in comparison with C#.
- Okay, I will learn C#, but it is primary a Windows language which is closely related to Visual Studio. It seems to be good, but there is a little problem - I have a Mac. Our native IDE is Xcode and I’m not really sure that I can use the full potential of C#.
- Next in my list - some good sources for learning gamedev and language you recommend. Yeah, it’s really hard to find a beginner’s course 'cause there usually lots of unsorted articles for each problem, but I need a base first.
Thanks in advance!