Get animation clip length using Animator?

I am working on a script that discreetly plays animation states, and that part is working. However I also need to get the length of the current clip but haven’t found a way to do it.

Here’s the code I’m using:

Animator anim = obj.GetComponent<Animator>();
if(anim != null) {
	anim.Play(track, -1);
	AnimatorStateInfo info = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
	length = info.length;
	Debug.Log("Animation("+track+") :"+length);
	AnimationInfo[] clips = anim.GetCurrentAnimationClipState(0);
	foreach(AnimationInfo i in clips) {

The animation is playing fine, but the length from AnimatorStateInfo is 0, and AnimationInfo count is 0, both of which are incorrect. My Animator controller has 3 states. I have also tried the ‘GetNext’ versions of these methods with the same results.

Anybody know how to get the length of the specified clip at runtime?

just work in Unity editor, for runtime
I do like this:

Animator anim = obj.GetComponent<Animator>();
float time;
RuntimeAnimatorController ac = anim[0].runtimeAnimatorController;	//Get Animator controller
    for(int i = 0; i<ac.animationClips.Length; i++)                 //For all animations
        if(ac.animationClips[i].name == "AnimationName")            //If it has the same name as your clip
            time = ac.animationClips[i].length;

Exactly one year late to answer this question, so might be of little use now.

The current clip being played’s length can be read, in your case, using anim.GetCurrentAnimationClipState(0).length with one caveat - it has to be done in the next frame. Not much info on it but probably due to execution order of animation update.

I use a coroutine and wait for the end of frame. Just as an example:

IEnumerator ShowCurrentClipLength()
    yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
    print("current clip length = " + anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length);

EDIT: Found it! Turns out that the Motion type is derived from AnimationClip, so all that’s required is a simple cast:

Animator anim = obj.GetComponent<Animator>();
if(anim != null) {
	UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController ac = anim.runtimeAnimatorController as UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController;
	UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm = ac.GetLayer(0).stateMachine;
	for(int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; i++) {
		UnityEditorInternal.State state = sm.GetState(i);
		if(state.uniqueName == track) {
			AnimationClip clip = state.GetMotion() as AnimationClip;
			if(clip != null) {
				length = clip.length;

Note also that the UnityEditorInternal object cannot be used in runtime code outside of the editor, so there is still no way to my knowledge of obtaining the AnimationClip at runtime from an Animator state. More explained here:

this will do the trick

Animator anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
float AnimationLength(string name) {
    float time = 0;
    RuntimeAnimatorController ac = anim.runtimeAnimatorController;   

    for (int i = 0; i < ac.animationClips.Length; i++)
        if (ac.animationClips[i].name == name)
            time = ac.animationClips[i].length;

    return time;
Animator animComp = GetComponent<Animator>();

AnimatorStateInfo documentation page:

Unity - Scripting API: AnimatorStateInfo

I added an extension to the Animator for this.

public static class AnimExtensions
	public static float ClipLength(this Animator anim, string clipName)
		AnimationClip[] clips = anim.runtimeAnimatorController.animationClips;
		foreach(AnimationClip ac in clips) { if( == clipName) return ac.length; }
		return 0.0f;

Note : Was having some issues with GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length; and found out that animation may still show the original animation if you check during the Transition Duration