Going from world to interiors of buildings in simple 3D RPG Game: teleport or new scene?

Hello everyone. I’m currently in the early stages of planning for a simple 3D but top down RPG game similar to the Pokemon games on the DS. The problem I’m facing is how to move the player between the over world and building interiors via doors. The two methods I’ve thought of are:

  1. Having the door teleport the player below the map where the building interior would be while a fade
    animation plays so the player can’t see the teleport.

  2. Simply loading a new scene with just the building interior.

I’m mainly wondering which one would be most efficient from a loading point of view. I want the transitions between interiors and exteriors to be fairly fast, so I think teleporting might work better than loading new scenes. However, there might be problems with lighting and maybe some stuttering using teleporting for interiors. If anyone has any experience with this type of problem I’d really appreciate some insight. Thank you!

I’m not an expert here so please take this advice with a grain of salt.
It seems to me that maybe a combination of the two could work really well. When it comes to loading scenes, you can not only have multiple scenes loaded at the same time but you can also load scenes asynchronously (in a background thread, basically loading the scene while you are playing).
I imagine that indoor scenes would be much simpler and easy to load than outdoor scenes, so maybe as you approach the building from the outside you can begin to load the indoor scenes under the map. Then when you get to the door, you do a quick teleport to the newly loaded scene (with maybe a small pause if its not done loading).
The disadvantage of doing this purely with single scene loading is that when you go indoors it will unload your outdoor scene. So while loading the scene to get into the building may be short, you will have to entirely reload your outdoor scene when you want to exit the building. It’s likely better (although its possible this is not the case) to just keep your outdoor scene loaded when you are indoors, especially if you spend most of your time outdoors.
The disadvantage of using only teleportation is that you will have to have all of your interior buildings loaded in during the initial load, which will take much longer than just loading the ones you need as you approach them and will also hugely increase your memory usage. Additionally, if you have everything in one big scene it will be much more difficult to edit one building at a time, whereas if you have each building in its own scene they are much easier and faster to work with during development.
It’s also worth noting that this method of loading in multiple scenes asynchronously as you go is also a really good optimization tool for large open worlds, where you want to be able to load in chunks of terrain only when you are close to them, rather than having everything loaded in all at once.