Recently I tried to publish my app, but it got rejected by Google for the reason shown below. There is also a screenshot attached to the email they sent me.
Not sure what to do now, is there any settings that I missed or incorrectly set on the Unity Ads dashboard?
I am currently using Unity 2018.3.14f1, I really need to release my update, any kind of help is highly appreciated.
UnityAds support responded that dishonest advertisers mis-rank their ads (ads for dozens of casino apps), which could even block or remove the app on the Google Play Store (due to Family Privacy Policy). This bypasses the monetization filters in UnityDashboard. I was also informed that such advertising is being cleaned, BUT ABOUT THE TIME IS UNKNOWN. That is, it can last for a week or a month or a year (after all, the application developer is responsible for the advertising that is shown in his development, and not the service for providing advertising opportunities, as I know). And the bottom line is that the cleanup takes days or more, but new casino ads keep popping up in UnityAds.
I’m going to rebuild my app with AdMob ads. But I have already created an update for the game without even having a release version in the Play Store xD, so I would not want to waste time switching to another service.