[help] racing game project sample learning

dear all,

Is there any way to learn about 3d racing game from the unity3d project sample? Please if theres any reference let me know. Any suggest would much helping. Sorry my bad eng.


there was a tutorial for regular unity, which showed quite well how to make a basic racing game, with IA’s, score, and physics, but (I just looked) it seems vanished from the Unity3d site… strange… I attached the pdf it came with the tutorial, but i can’t retrieve the assets…
Hope it helps, most of the code should work in unity Iphone.

100327–3877–$racing_tutorial_532_196.pdf (876 KB)

Please tell me the url link. I’ve been looking around but nothing…


that is a link, just click on the download and the file download will happen.

hehehe, my mistake. Yes I can download the pdf file, it would b helping. Thanks, lets see what I can do with, tell you later …

where is the download button here?

the board really can’t do more than print DOWNLOAD in bold and another color to point people to it … :slight_smile:

you need to be logged in to see the download file.