How do i rotate object on y-axis based on rotation of oculus?

Hi there,
I want to do fairly a simple job yet i haven’t come across a good way of doing it, what i want to do is rotate my player capsule on y-axis based on HMD’s rotation on y-axis so that player faces the direction the player looks in. The following lines of code rotate capsule on all axis which i don’t want.

Quaternion Angles=InputTracking.GetLocalRotation(VRNode.Head);


I want something like

Quaternion Angles=InputTracking.GetLocalRotation(VRNode.Head);

that should restrict the rotation of player only on y-axis such that the player faces the direction it looks in. But it doesn’t do anything at all.
what could be a way to get this thing done?


      Quaternion angles = InputTracking.GetLocalRotation(VRNode.Head);
      transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, angles.eulerAngles.y, 0);

You will probably need to transform the rotation from “tracking space” to “world space”, by post-multiplying an offset Quaternion (rotation from tracking to world space).

I have not tested this code.

Hi, I try to do the same thing, I tested some tricks but nothing has worked as expected.