How do I update existing Unity installs through Unity Hub?

How can I update my Unity installs through Unity Hub?

I’ve these installs. Some of them are not the latest, for example I would like to update “2019.1.2f1” to a newer “2019.1.x” release.

I can’t figure how where I can trigger an update from inside the Hub?

Clicking the “…” button that is on each tile displays a popup menu with “Show in Explorer” and “Remove from Hub”. I initially thought there would be an “Update” button too, if an update for that particular version is available, but there is not.


“ADD” button

Thanks for your reply. The “ADD” button seems to add a new version according to my tests, but does not update/replace an existing one.

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If there is a new version available, it will be displayed within that version. So if you had 2019.1.9f1 installed, and 2019.1.10f1 was released, the list would display 2019.1.10f1 and allow you to select it to install.

This has been a very much asked after feature for a very long time, but it hasn’t been implemented yet. You can only install new builds and remove old ones.

Updating Unity has always been exactly that - point the installer to the location of the old install, and it’ll remove all the files there and put in new ones. It shouldn’t be too hard to implement what you’re asking for, since it’s just doing two things the Hub already does in succession, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it landing this year.


Alrighty, thanks for the info!

Is it reasonable to ask for a smaller, delta-only install if you’re upgrading? It would be a nice thing to have, specially for those with slow or limited internet connections.

It would be OK to work only between same-year versions. Heck, minor versions only would be an upgrade already.

That’s been asked for for years, much longer than the Hub has been around. I’ve never seen any responses for it that I can remember.

What makes it complex is what versions to support upgrading between. There’s currently 31 different versions of 2017.4, meaning that even if you only had minor-to-minor updates, that’d require 30+29+ … 2+1 = 465 different patches. For 2017.4 alone.

That’s probably something that could be handled by a system like this one , but not something that’s viable to do by hand.

I figured it would be something like git’s snapshot system, where it would apply all the diffs between your current and target versions, patching the latest registered change for each file. But then again I’m proabably missing something.

In general it seems that, recently, the Unity team is focusing more on tackling deep technical problems, so maybe this will come sooner rather than later.


Thanks @Baste for responding. Indeed, we don’t offer update mechanisms. I personally wish we had this on our list but I also don’t think you’ll see this soon. For now installing the newest and uninstalling the older one is the current workaround. As for incremental updates it might be closer to a reality once packages are more widely embraced but I can’t give a clear milestone right now.

Thank you for the feedback!

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I know this is an old thread, but it came up in google… Seems to me THE point of unity hub, which otherwise just seems like annoying extra clicks right now, would be to update Unity nearly automatically without requiring yet more clicks, and a totally unnecessary visit to the website. A launcher has one primary job, and that’s to keep it’s supported application updated…


I have a doubt when we are manually installing unity releases, we have these links under the headings unity editor download assistant, component installers windows and macs, I already have the previous version of the same editor, and have downloaded another Gradle version for some ARcore project, which one should I download and do i have to reinstall that Gradle version?

I just started a new thread asking for the same thing. And I got two people arguing strongly against this patch feature. According to them, I should just use my damn TIME and READ the damn release notes, patch by patch, then completely reinstall when needed. Man… :frowning: how is reducing installation time so controversial. Anyway, I’m glad to hear that there are voices in support of this long-discussed feature! :slight_smile:


Isn’t this actually a feature rather than a lack of a feature? I mean even smaller patches and updates might (worst case scenario) break your game (unity project). This way you can verify that your Unity project works or choose to roll back to the earlier Unity version (that’s still there) instead of having to reinstall it?

But then isn’t that arguably the whole point of sticking to an LTS? You’re sticking to a stable base that will receive bug fixes, with limited to no feature additions; such to the point that you should be able to update the same core LTS without introducing game breaking bugs and arguably are encouraged to do so.

Further, having the editor remind you there’s an update available, but not wanting to do it because it’s a time consuming PITA just reduces the UX (and having it go to the webpage rather than the hub? c’mon, now). Yes, I’m aware of the checkbox, but one shouldn’t HAVE to use it.