I have the velocity of a 3d ball but need to have a way of getting the right component of it, like you do with transform.right ect. I need to add it as a force to my rigidbody.
Here’s a quick diagram to show you:
Just ask me if you have anything else that you need in order to work this out.
As indicated by Pangamini, having a “right” vector is not that obvious because there are technically and infinite number of possible vectors. Supposing you want a vector which is perpendicular to the velocity vector, and the most perpendicular to the Vector3.up
, you can do the following.
Vector3 forward = velocity.normalized;
Vector3 v = Mathf.Abs( Vector3.Dot( forward, Vector3.up ) ) > 0.95f ?
Vector3.forward :
Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross( forward, v );
Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross( forward, right );
The problem mentionned by Pangamini is handled by the ternary operator.
Ahh ok I see, you want the direction, not the velocity component.
Well the tricky thing is, there are infinitely many vectors that are perpendicular to the velocity vector.
You can get what you want by doing Vector3.Cross(), the cross product of two vectors is always perpendicular to both of them (if they are not parallel, of course). So if you do Vector3.Cross(velocity, Vector3.up) the result should be parallel to the ground and point to the side of the ball (either left or right, depends on the order of vectors in the cross). Just keep in mind that this will fail if the ball moves straight up or down (result will be a zero vector)