Hi guys! I learned about the game “Minecraft Story Mode” and I wanted to create something like that. Question: How to build this world in Unity?
You question is not clear, especcially because this forum is not related to minecraft in the first place. There for i have no idea what “Minecraft Story Mode” is. As far as i understand you want to import the world from minecraft into Unity, right? To do that you need a tool called “Mineways” this tool can export a part of the minecraft world to a mesh together with a texture. I’m not sure what format the file will have. (In the unlikely case unity cannot handel the format you will have to convert the file to another format)
Just drag the file into unitys Projekt window along with the texture. After that drag the file from the project window into you scene and drag the texture on it. That should be all there is to do. Good luck!