I have a troubles with the GUI position What Happen?!!!

How I can resize the window Unity, and reposition the GUI, because when I change the resolution of my screen GUI are some over others, as I leave is not in the default window, I can do?

I’m position by the x and y property of the transform in the Property inspector, may be happening.

If I understand correctly, you are asking about stand-alone players changing size because you change screen resolution? You could keep track of ‘lastScreenSize’ in an Update loop to look for changes, then resize your windows when you detect a change. If you use GUILayout it might look like this:

var lastScreenWidth = 0;
var lastScreenHeight = 0;
var windowRect : Rect;
function Start()
  lastScreenWidth = Screen.width;
  lastScreenHeight = Screen.height;
  windowRect = new Rect (10, 10, 10, 10);

function Update()
  if (lastScreenWidth != Screen.width || lastScreenHeight != Screen.height)
    windowRect = new Rect (10, 10, 10, 10); // will force a rearrangement of the window
  lastScreenWidth = Screen.width;
  lastScreenHeight = Screen.height;

  windowRect = GUILayout (1, windowRect, ... 

Although you could put that stuff from Update into OnGUI too I suppose.