I want the object to disappear when it leaves the image marker. ( Unity Mars )

It is a question of Unity Mars image marker.
I want the object to disappear when it leaves the image marker.

When I look at the image marker, objects and music appear,
I want to make all the objects and music disappear when I move off the marker.

Now, even if the camera moves away from the marker, the objects and sound remain.

Is there a way?

Using Raycast with image or UI or using object Distance.

hello @lifewindcom ,

Could you ellaborate more on: β€œthe camera moves away from the marker, the objects and sound remain.” Seems this is has been reported before.

Does the 3D content attached to the image marker follow the marker when you move the marker around or does it stays still and the image marker is not followed

I took a picture of the exhibition with a marker.
Objects and music play when I look at the first picture.

When I look at the second picture, I want another object and music to play.
However, the first object and the first music do not disappear even after leaving the first picture.
When I get out of the picture, I want to make the objects and music that belong to it disappear and stop.

I think we asked the same question. Seems like this is going to get fixed in the next update.

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