IAP 4.9.3 Google Play Billing 5.1.0 Outdated

PBL 5.1.0 is no longer supported on google play apks that target Android 14+

Error Message from developer console:
This app targets Android 14 or above, and your current Play Billing Library version doesn’t support Android 14. To target the latest Android version, please update your PBL version to either 5.2.1, or 6.0.1 and above.


Same error today, is this a Console glitch? There is no Billing in the app.

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Same error. How can I update Billing Library version?

Yeah seems like we need a patch asap

Hey Mods any idea if there will be a patch to include billing 5.2.1 +

Or can you source instructions on how to upgrade our own IAP billing file

Thanks for reading

hope this helps

@QuadrantGames any solution to upload with IAP rn ?

@MensaWorld did you manage to do anything to fix it ?

Simple solution is to downgrade your android build target from 34 → 33 in the player/build settings. Which seems to work for uploading and internal testing, but I am now having issues with the Google reviewer saying they are having install issues - not sure if its correlated yet.

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Thanks for the response man. Annoying it’s not just a simple drag and drop new billing file.

It won’t let me click the target platform probably have to install Android studio and set a custom path ect…

someone found a solution? (is it up to unity to find a fix?)

im not sure to follow what @QuadrantGames said but at the same time i feel there should be a fix asap from unity team
:confused: shame theres no mods replying would help a lot.

maybe in like 1 week there will be 100+ comments then they will take action. time will tell

for anyone with issues
1.Download Android Studio
2.SDK manager inside android studio & download target 33
3.Copy the path inside android studio and open the path in windows file explorer (copy the target 33 file)
4. find the unity android default sdk location (edit/preferences/external tools) copy and open in windows file explorer
(2 windows explorers folders should be open)
5.paste the build target version in with the unity defaults.

(above leaves unity with default android paths below sets custom)

alt :
do step 1 , 2
and then find the unity android default sdk location (edit/preferences/external tools) and toggle it off then set the path to the location of the new android studios SDK path.

Then finally when you build your aab/apk in build player settings and set target 31 for min and target 33 for max.

hope this helps someone.

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it’s work you save my day

other solution:
in : /Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.3.28f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/SDK/platforms delete the folder android-34 and target unity 33 in build player settings, unity dl automatically unity 33 and the build works

Since I already uploaded to version 34, I can’t downgrade to 33 and upload. An error pops up saying that it cannot be lowered to 33. An upgraded Billing Library version should be released.

I can’t guarantee that the solution works well with payments. I haven’t checked. But that’s enough for a review:

1 - create custom package
Unity - Manual: Embedded dependencies from com.unity.purchasing@4.9.3
2 - replace in package library billing-5.1.0.aar on https://dl.google.com/android/maven2/com/android/billingclient/billing/5.2.1/billing-5.2.1.aar

I retried downgrade to 33 from 34. I have uploaded 33 version on GooglePlay today. Thanks bro. I hope the 34 version of billing Library will be released ASAP.

any news on this ?

I would like to know why Unity is so far behind the Google Play Billing version, it’s a considerable difference between the 5.1.0 version that Unity makes available and the current version of Google Play Billing (6+)