In-App Not Working On Android Device

Looking for help.
I implement IAP which is working correctly in editor.Also working on android device to some extend.
Means IAP products prices successfully converted in local currency. But when i click on purchase button. Nothing happened. (Note: Its working correctly in editor as expected).

Please provide device logs and we can investigate.

A few questions:
*What are the Editor and IAP versions you use?
*Are you testing with a tester account, and downloading from Google Play? Did you download the APK as the tester from Google Play?
*Can you confirm that you have performed all the steps here?
Unity - Manual: Configuring for Google Play Store . Also, please compare to the Sample project here Sample IAP Project

  • Can’t provide device log currently. sorry for that.
    -Unity Version 2019.1.2f1, IAP Latest (Install Through Package Manager)
    -Game downloaded from google play. No Tester.
    -Yes Confirmed.

This Temp Solution Worked For Me. “Someone said use IAP package of unity 2018—. Imported it in unity 2019—. And build. surprisingly its working now.”

You don’t install IAP via Package Manager, you install via the Service window (although there is a Package Manager package installed too). But glad it’s working for you.