Interactive Tutorials don't work

First interactive tutorial didnt work so I reinstalled Unity and it worked.

That was yesterday.

Today I launch Unity and again can’t load interactive tutorial.

What happens is, I download it in Hub, I start it, unity takes a while to load
Then Unity Loads, with tutorial files, but nothing is happening?

No next/back button, no tutorial basically.

Or is there a way to turn it on?


What version of Unity?


What tutorials can’t you start? The “Getting Started” ones? You said that you managed to load one yesterday, did you save it somewhere on your computer? If yes, that’s the one you must launch if you want to do it again.

im launching them from unity Hub.

first one was getting started yes. first it failed, after reinstall it worked

now i try to launch rolling ball, and again cant do anything.

heres the screen of unity after it loads

Me too; I just started the first “Getting Started” tutorial; works fine for me.

It’s normal that you have nothing for the Roll a Ball tutorial; there is no assets to download for this project. You must create everything using the video tutorials you’ll find on the Tutorial page here:

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oh i see, so whats the downloadable tutorial for? prefabs?

It created the project directly for you; you just have to save it wherever you want once you’ve started it that way.

The advantage of starting the Roll a Ball that way is that you do not have to download the “done” project, that contains everything already made. The Roll a Ball project you can find on the Assets Store contains the completed project and that can be confusing for new learners. :slight_smile:

If you carry on learning the tutorials here and you want to download the projects from the Assets Store, I recommend that you deselect the “Complete” or “Done” assets before installing the project. :slight_smile:

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I see, however I again cant load getting started tutorial.

What unity version usually people use? The one with long term support tag or always the newest one?

I opened it with the one you are using and it does work.

You can try the following if you have problems: delete the “Unity Essentials” folder you’ll find in “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x\Unity Technologies”.

If doing this fixes the problem, file a bug report from the Hub/My Account/Report a bug.

It’s not like playing games. You don’t push an on button and everything works. You got to read the manuals. You have to pay close attention to the words. You have to search for answers. This is what makes it work.

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OK I’ll bite.

  1. Download Unity hub
  2. Install 2017.4.24f1
  3. Read the manual. Select ‘Play & Edit mode’ tutorial. Click “Download”. Click “Start”.
  4. Unity starts and spews a pile of errors. No ‘Tutorial panel’ in sight.
  5. Turns out ‘using Unity.InteractiveTutorials;’ fails. Where’s Unity.InteractiveTutorials module?
    Interactive Tutorials don’t work

Always use the release that the tutorials have been tested against. Below is the first entry in the series and it says that it was tested against 2017.3. Anything other than that release is not guaranteed to work.

That said there is nothing in those tutorials that isn’t covered by the other tutorials. You’re best off just ignoring them.

As of today (April 4, 2019) Unity tutorials work only with Unity Editor 2018.3.

Please don’t try them with Unity 2017.3 or 2017.4 LTS. They don’t work.

Documentation on the landing page is wrong.

Just because it worked for you doesn’t mean it’s working for anyone else on that release. This thread exists specifically because someone tried them with Unity 2018.3 and they didn’t work. So unless there is a direct post from the developers that they were fixed, I’m going to write it off as you just got lucky.

Either way these Interactive Tutorials need to just disappear. They’re entirely too much trouble for beginners to deal with.

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The point is the Interactive Tutorials did not work for me with Unity 2017.3, and the fix is to use Unity 2018.3.

Turns out current version of the tutorials relies on com.unity.learn.iet-framework@0.1.15-preview that requires Unity 2018.2 or later.

Proof: excerpt from .config/unity3d/cache/packages/

Technical details


This version of Framework for In-Editor Tutorials is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Editor:

  • 2018.2 and later (recommended)

+EDIT: package.json declares only 2018.3:
“name”: “com.unity.learn.iet-framework”,
“displayName”: “Interactive Tutorial Core”,
“version”: “0.1.15-preview”,
“unity”: “2018.3”,

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You were correct after all. I only tried out the first entry in the series, but it’s clearly working on Unity 2018.3. I didn’t see them mention anywhere that they had updated the tutorials, but that has to be what they did.

I just installed Unity off the home page yesterday and the installer gave me 2018.2. The learn tutorials don’t work for me either.
I don’t want to install 2018.3 right now as I am on mobile for internet and it’s a GB. Does anyone know where I can get a 2018.2 version of the tutes?

I’m suspicious of how easy it is to live with now, if you can’t even kick the tyres easily.

There are hundreds of official tutorials. There is at least one major release every few months and one minor release every couple of weeks. It’s just not feasible to check every tutorial every time you make a release. This isn’t just a problem with Unity either. Every game engine on the market has the same problem.

Just think of it as training - how to ask for assistance, how to search for solutions, etc - because when you start making games from scratch all of these problems will be massively multiplied. Game development isn’t an easy field to get into.

I thought I was asking for assistance.

Does anyone know where I can get a 2018.2 version of the tutes?