I have a question that I can only imagine a “no” response to, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask: Is it at all possible to find out A) If a user rated the app, and B) less importantly but would be nice, how many stars did they rate it?
I was thinking of running a promotional contest based on app ratings. Sort of like “Rate this app for a chance to win”
I could see if they clicked the button within my app, but I’d rather know that Yes, they actually DID rate and submit the rating.
Thanks, but the plugin (as far as I know, I don’t have it[yet…]) handles when and how to prompt the user to rate, but in the end just sends them to the app rating url which I plan to do differently. I’m wondering if it’s possible to see if they submitted a rating at any point. The rating is tied to their user id, and if that userid is casched (for example they just used it to rate the app) perhaps (not likely, haha) the rating can be retrieved?
I did my own system for app rating, and saw no way to actually see if the player did go ahead and rate the app. Even if it is possible to find out if they rated it, I think it unlikely it would be possible to find out the rating. It could lead to bribing players for a good rating with additional features in the game.