For some reason, I cannot open an iPhoneKeyboard, even using the example syntax in the documentation.
If I attach this script to the main camera object, the keyboard never appears, and it just runs straight through to the end of the script as if keyboard.done is true:
var inputURL : String = "";
private var keyboard : iPhoneKeyboard;
// Opens native optimized for URL entry keyboard
function OnGUI() {
if (GUI.Button(Rect(0, 10, 200, 32), inputURL))
keyboard = iPhoneKeyboard.Open(inputURL, iPhoneKeyboardType.URL);
if (keyboard)
inputURL = keyboard.text;
Any ideas? I really want to use c#, but if the documented method in JS isn’t working… Is there any Editor settings that I need to use?
Yeah, you can´t bring up the iPhone keyboard in the editor.
With non dekstop machine, platform specific functionality/ unity api, like let´s say for iPhone things like bringing up the keyboard of the iPhone OS those things of course can´t work in the unity ide. You see, the app tells the os to show the keyboard, there is no such thing as that onscreen keyboard on the desktop.
you have to deploy your app to the device to see the keyboard coming up.
[edit]well, you posted while i was writing [/edit]