Is it possible to ADD default packages on project creations ?


Cinemachine, ProBuilder, PostProcessing as well as many other bought assets (DoTween, Odin, Amplify, etc…) exits in every game create, is there any solution to have these loaded on project creation form unity hub ?

At the moment i am using a custom .unitypackage template that has all my necessary external assets, but i can’t find any way to make unity remember the Cinemachine, ProBuilder and PostProcessing packages.

Am using 2018.4 btw.


Hey, you can control it with a Packages/manifest.json file. However, when Unity updates the project, it will mess with the manifest.json file.

I have a minimal manifest.json file I use, and my flow for instantiating a new project is usually →

  • Create project folder

  • Create Assets folder

  • Create Packages folder with slimmed down manifest.json

  • Add ProjectSettings with ProjectVersion file for the version I want

I kind of think Unity needs to improve their new project template capabilities, so you can share templates and such. My workflow is usually setting up a template git repo and downloading that for the new project so I don’t have to do steps 1-4 all the time (or whatever steps for that specific template).

You can see an example of one of my template repositories here for Unity Package Manager projects:

This solution isn’t from Unity Hub, but I hope it helps!

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