Is Unity RTS friendly or viable?

I’m in production of a real time strategy game that requires a very powerful engine. I need and engine that will allow a vast “open world” for players as well destroyable terrain the players can deform to change their opponents play. I am also curious to know if Unity can handle large amount of “units” on screen with their independent AI’s with the added ability to allow customization of the players factions.

In short is Unity viable for a next gen RTS?

Unity is a generalized game engine, and is capable of making any type of game.

One thing you may have issue with in any generalized game engine, with regards to an RTS, is the need for an RTS to have deterministic game play because of the massive number of units involved. Unity by default doesn’t provide this, especially in the physics arena. However it is achievable with some effort. The same effort you would need to apply to any game engine.