Lens flare looks different from Unity 2022.3.29f1 to 6000.0.32f1

  1. Create a new scene ‘Basic (URP)’
  2. Create a new Object and add Component ‘Lens Flare(SRP)’
  3. Add a Lens Flare Data to Lens Flare Component
  4. Customize some Lens flare data setting…
  5. Turn on Post-processing in Main Camera
  6. Repeat these scene making - for the Unity 2022, and Unity 6000
  7. Copy same lens flare data to each - Unity 2022, and Unity 6000
  8. Now you can see the output brightness is different.

Is Anyone has an Idea why it is?

skybox looks different also, so probably not related to lens flare…

if you open that same project in unity 6000, does it look different too? (in case its some other setting)

I tried to make an Unity 2022 Project and reopen it at Unity 6000.
The result is different like above screenshot.