localposition not working? Calculating a vector in front of an object. Picture and code included

I am making a 3D spaceship combat minigame.

I need to launch a projectile from my spaceship,
towards a position that is the targeted enemy position,
adding 30 or something to the local Z of that position (i.e, "shooting it ahead of the enemys forward path),
but I need to be grabbing that vector when the shot is instantiated,
so that it is traveling in a straight line (interpolating / following / lookat is not what i need).

Here is what I have, and it is working as coded, but the calculation that adds to the Z position ends up giving me a vector that is higher than the Z axis value in the world space, despite me using localposition.
what I need is, that vector to end up as higher than the ships Z axis value, so it is “In front of where the ship / target” was at the moment of that calculation.

	void Start () {
		player = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").GetComponent <Player> ();
		Destroyshot ();
		hasTarget = player.seesTarget;
		if (hasTarget) {

			target = player.locktarget;
			targetahead = new Vector3 (target.localPosition.x, target.localPosition.y, target.localPosition.z + 30);
			transform.LookAt (targetahead);


	void Update () {

		gameObject.transform.Translate (Vector3.forward * speed);
		Debug.DrawLine (gameObject.transform.position, targetahead);


the problem is that your LookAt is looking at a position that is still in localspace of the target. it’s actually even easier to calculate what you want in world space directly:

target.position + target.forward * 30;