MAKING simple multiplayer game

hi i just wanna try to make a small game that me and my friend can play at,and i followed this toturial:
just did the begining of it,from page 1 to page 9.

my codes are exactly the same,and when i try to play from my computer and my other compter,its not working,and it doesnt find the server,and when i make a new server in both computers,the ip is the same,how to fix it?

I believe that our basic FREE course+complete project of a Minimum Multiplayer Deathmatch can help you.
Link in the right side of the homepage:

Shizzle, which part is failing exactly? You have to give a lot more information than “it’s not working.”

if i open the game twice in my computer i will be able to see the other player and connect the server,but if i try it from one computer to the other it wont connect to the server…and i dont know why…thats the problem basicly

No, that’s not that problem. It’s a high-level overview of the symptoms.

Tell me what you are doing when you attempt to the connect to a server on another computer.

i press on the “start server” button on one computer,and then i got to the other,open the game there,and press “connect” button and its not connecting,it just stays on that “menu” thing…(and my other computer-the one who started the server is still running the game…)
but if i do the same thing,just on one computer-open the file twice and on one application i start the server and on the second application i connect-it works…
how to fix it then?
also its the same codes as in here:
(page 1-10)

By The Way,this is the connection script:(it is placed on the camera)

var remoteIP = "";
var remotePort = 25000;
var listenPort = 25000;
var useNAT = false;
var yourIP = "";
var yourPort = "";

function OnGUI () {
 // Checking if you are connected to the server or not
 if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)
  // If not connected
  if (GUI.Button (new Rect(10,10,100,30),"Connect"))
   Network.useNat = useNAT;
   // Connecting to the server
   Network.Connect(remoteIP, remotePort);
  if (GUI.Button (new Rect(10,50,100,30),"Start Server"))
   Network.useNat = useNAT;
   // Creating server
   Network.InitializeServer(32, listenPort);
   // Notify our objects that the level and the network is ready
   for (var go : GameObject in FindObjectsOfType(GameObject))
    go.SendMessage("OnNetworkLoadedLevel", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); 
  // Fields to insert ip address and port 
  remoteIP = GUI.TextField(new Rect(120,10,100,20),remoteIP);
  remotePort = parseInt(GUI.TextField(new 
  // Getting your ip address and port
  ipaddress = Network.player.ipAddress;
  port = Network.player.port.ToString();
  GUI.Label(new Rect(140,20,250,40),"IP Adress: "+ipaddress+":"+port);
  if (GUI.Button (new Rect(10,10,100,50),"Disconnect"))
   // Disconnect from the server

OK, that’s actually useful.

You have a remote IP of, that is a loopback interface. It never really leaves the computer. The entire network is for loopback interfaces.

Before you connect, are you changing the IP address to the address of the server?

no,how do i do that?

I would recommend at this point that you go read about IP addresses, because if you want to make a network game, you’ll need to understand them.

i really dont want to make something big,just something that i can play with friends…
can you just tell me how?

You won’t be able to play with friends if you don’t understand IP addresses on a basic level. I suppose if you adamantly refuse to Google it, you can send me some money via PayPal and I will explain them to you.

" i really dont want to make something big,just something that i can play with friends…
can you just tell me how? "
Is FREE!!!

Okay, when you try to connect to the server, you need to change the “connect to” IP to the external IP of the server…

Or you could figure out how to use the Master Server.

I find it unusual that about 90% of your posts are just linking people to your site. Never answers, never questions, just a few comments and a lot of “Check our site!” links.

I talk about my site when I have the perception that the guy doesn’t know the “basics” of a multiplayer game and needs to learn many things. Like our course is free and the site doesn’t have ads, our intention is only to help.But if this has disturbed you, I am sorry.
Maybe, for you ,the answer from JRavey is more adequate:
"You won’t be able to play with friends if you don’t understand IP addresses on a basic level. I suppose if you adamantly refuse to Google it, you can send me some money via PayPal and I will explain them to you. "

so i went to adamascj tutorial,i did this page:

and when i play it on my computer with my ip its working(when opening twice) but again,when i do it on two computers - on one i open the server and on the other i open the client the client won’t work
but if i change it to my ip and port,it wont work not on my computer and not on other computers…
also my ip starts with 192. and its on router…

so why isnt it working?

If your IP starts with 192 your computer is part of a local network and will be not easy to be a server for multiplayer games. Sorry.

Like I say in the lesson:

"If you receive a number of “IP Address” that does not begin with “192”, surely you’re not on a network under a “router”, and can be a server. Otherwise, you will have to talk with your Internet Service Provider, to do the “Port Forwarding”.

Are you using a WiFi router?


If you are using a domestic WiFi router you can unplug the cable of the ISP from the router and plug it on your computer . And try again the “ipconfig” to know your IP address.