I’m getting ready to release a beta version of the motion-based character controller. I’d like this thread to be the feedback/wish-list thread for it.
So what is it?
The Motion Controller is a character controller that’s built to be a framework upon which any type of motion (jumping, climbing, sneaking, etc.) can be built. The challenge is that every game is different. You may not need climbing and I may not care about swimming. However, we both need an efficient way to manage the motions our PCs and NPCs have.
This character controller not only provides the framework, but includes core features most character controllers neglect. Things like support for moving and rotating platforms, applying physics based forces, and cleaning up animation data.
As it is, the Motion Controller isn’t meant to be the end-all-be-all for every game. It’s meant to be a foundation from which you, me, and others can build motions and plug them in to our unique creation.
You can check out some of the recent in-development videos here:
Motion Controller Setup:
Motion Controller + motion packs:
My goal is to release the beta version next week, but that depends on how clean-up goes.
Note that this will work with the Adventure Camera (that’s what I use in the videos). However, the Adventure Camera is sold separately and not required. Instead, the Motion Controller will come with a basic third-person camera.
Any chance of a webplayer?
One critique though, it does look like he is flying rather then naturally moving at times, and he almost seems to float towards an object when about to climb. And there is no reaction when he slides down an object, I’d say just turn sliding off completely or add an animation for it. Other then that, looks amazing!
Is there a different animation for climbing waist high objects? I feel like this would help a lot. Also, rather then playing the falling animation every time he falls down a 2 ft-high object, a walking up/down stairs animation would be nice,
Feet IK would make it look more natural.
Also, will the player be able to shimmy along edges when climbing?
EDIT: I looked through the videos a bit, for the jumping problem, where it looks as though he is flying, it just needs a transition between the walking/running/idle animation to the jump animation. And to not happen immediately. Sliding and more Parkour stuff should also be added.
Remember that the first goal is to create a framework for an unlimited number of motions. This way we can have different styles of walking, climbing, jumping, etc.
So the answer to most of your questions is ‘Yes’. My plan is to extend all of the motions and keep adding onto it. Eventually, I hope other people follow the ‘Builder’s Guide’ (that I have yet to write) and create motions as well.
The biggest challenge I have is time and animation skills. I’m a programmer working on my own game, so finding and making animations is a bit of a challenge.
i made an account just for this, i cant wait to buy this!!
one question though, will u fix all the bugs before release, like what @3 said, it slides a lot and the falling animations plays even on small drops. and will u be able climb over small objects too and will u be able to jump from one object to another in climbing, like uncharted? i think the sliding bug and being able to climb over small objects instead of just jumping over them? and like @3 said i think it needs to look less like the player is flying towards objects and floating when jumping. @negitivecap ikr!
You called the falling animation on smaller drops a “bug”. However, that’s exactly what I want. It matches the Unity Character Controller’s step height and I like the look.
So this fall motion should have a property (which it does) or maybe you want a completely different type of falling.
Same with the sliding. I do plan on having a sliding animation, but it may not be exactly what you want. If that’s the case, a new one can easily be built and plugged in.
That all said, there are plenty of other things I want to add…over time.
ill buy it day one if u fix the sliding and it looking like its flying and add a table-height climb. (like in uncharted or the last of us, they just climb over small objects like a table quickly), a roll would be cool to for long falls.
those three and i promise a day one purchase from me!
You don’t exactly make much sense grammatically, but I agree. I think what would sway me most to buy this is more parkour elements, give it more of a Uncharted or Tomb Raider feel.
Jumping from object to object while climbing, sliding over “table-high” objects, rolls, all would help sell the asset. Right now, it is just a slightly improved version of the default Third Person Controller. With a few more features, I would be first in line.
A webplayer would also be nice, if that is an option. I am glad to see you finally decided to release this though, looks interesting.
You’ll be happy know that I listened and cleaned up the slide. I also added a table climb (Climb Med).
I took it as a challenge to see if I could implement new motions as easily as I say we can. Both of them took a day. Most of the time was the animations themselves.
I guess I’m your new biggest fan, this all looks amazing.
Couple of requests I have before release though,
If you could make the player able to shimmy along ledges while on crouch climb, that would perfect the asset. I just think it’s pointless to just be stationary while on a cat-climb. Something like this (18 seconds in) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwWK2GdmtPs
Also something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfQUosJh2DU for pro users would make this even more AAA. It would really make it feel like a AAA Character Controller.
I’ll buy it no matter what haha, but I think this would really help move it from something amazing, to something absolutely amazing. A simple shimmy/moving on edges would add a whole new layer to gameplay.
I would love to see both of these happen, knowing how finding the motions is the hardest part for you, if you want I can send you a couple of Mo-Capped animations free of charge. (arm sliding against wall, and a simple moving hands animation to make the shimmying look natural), I could never accomplish this myself and I would love to see these easy additions added before release.
Either way, looks awesome! Still super excited for release!
I do plan on having shimmy (and more). I need it for the game I’m building as well. My only concern is that I keep adding on vs. getting it out.
IK is something I have created hooks for. I have the pro version as well. However, I wasn’t sure how the Asset Store handled pro features. I don’t want to get the “Requires Pro” flag and limit revenue (since it’s what’s keeping me alive right now :)). If you’ve got any experience with that, I’d appreciate the advice.
If you want to shoot over some anims, I won’t turn them down. Feel free to contact me at tim@ootii.com.
BTW, that is exactly one of the videos I study. That and Tomb Raider.
And Wolf… definitely. I plan on releasing motions over time and hopefully others will build them too.
If you are going to wait until after release though, I think the Shimmy should be the first thing you add after release though, It’s a pretty key feature and I don’t think it would take more then a day to add. So if you were to do it before release, I think it wouldn’t hurt you at all.
And as far as I know, you won’t get the “Requires Pro” flag unless the system is dependent on Unity Pro, I would just add a little note that says “Works in both Unity Free and Pro (with extra features for pro users)” In the description. So Pro Features shouldn’t be an issue.
Thanks Tim!
And P.S., considering it works as planned (and you add the shimmy), I promise I’ll get you a few extra sales, I’d love to see you keep coming out with awesome stuff like this.
Any word on release date? If you add the shimmy, I mean.
i hate to keep bothering you to add stuff, lol, but i think a shimmy or moving while hanging on or whatever would make it completed enough to put it on the asset store. i think the shimmy should come first, but thats it ! i dont think the hand sliding on wall thing is helpful, the shimmy however, is something we can all use and i think would be awesome to add before release.
Just a quick update. I’m finishing up testing today (with some help) and should be submitting the package tonight. I found it usually takes Unity about a week to post.
The shimmy isn’t part of the initial release. After 18 years of programming I’ve learned that if you try to crack the code and squeak something in at the end it never turns out well. Not to mention feature creep never ends. You just have to draw a line and deliver.
After the release, I figured I’d give it a week or two for things to settle. This will help me address bugs, setup issues, documentation issues, etc. Based on feedback from buyers, I’ll work on the next motion…which will probably be shimmy.
Thanks again for all the awesome support!
Any suggestions on a good place that would allow for people to vote on motions they want? Maybe Survey Monkey? Feel free to create a wish list here (for now).
That said, I’m not doing anything that would force PC only and I have a web demo working and going up soon.
Processing of the motion controller and motions is taking about 0.07 milliseconds on my 4 year old PC, but I’m not sure how that would translate to iOS or Android.
I know others have used the Adventure Camera on mobile devices without a problem (if that helps).
Unfortunately, I don’t have a system setup to load and test mobile. I made sure to mention in the documentation that it was developed and tested on Windows 8 PC.
If there’s any other way I can help, please let me know.
I just wanted to let you know that this looks really really awesome!
Now it’s time for me to ask some stupid noob questions:
I’m really looking for a controller that can be adapted for that “true first person” or the “full-body awareness” first person view, and a lot of the tutorials I’ve found say to start with a 3rd person controller and essentially parent the camera to the head bone (obviously more to it than that, I’m sure). Just wondering if you think this would even be possible with this setup. I realize it isn’t intended for first person, but with all the features you’re putting in (climbing, sneaking, sliding, etc.) I can’t help but think how awesome it would look in that Mirror’s Edge style of first person.
Will there be an option to use alternate and/or randomized animations for each action? For example, if I wanted to have 3 run cycles play randomly with minor variations in each one. Not expecting you to create all those variations of course, but as an animator I feel compelled to ask if it’ll be an option. I love putting in all that variation and it definitely makes it feel less repetitive.