Multiple Unity instances cannot open the same project

So this is a first for me, while I was playing in the prototype game / project, the Unity3D editor randomly crashed, which I’m used to. This time though its hung up on this stupid UnityLockfile…

I went to the project folder and got rid of the UnityLockfile, as stated by the msg.

I have looked in side all folders that has anything todo with Unity and the project, both normal and hidden. Removing that UnityLockfile did nothing.

Usually there are zombie instances of UnityShaderCompiler or JobProcess lingering when this happens.
We’re working on making this more robust.

Delete the “Temp” folder and your project will open fine.



@Tak : Actually there were no instances of any thing related to Unity3D. That was the first thing I checked as I once saw that even though I closed Unity3D the process stayed active… (In another post I added that sometimes those process “UnityShaderCompiler” + something else; don’t end when you close Unity3D.)

It basically came down to what LukaKotar mentioned, I simply opened the MyProject Root folder as root and got rid of the UnityLockfile first, and then later I just deleted the /Temp directory which then solved the issue. So with or without the UnityLockfile it doesn’t really matter :stuck_out_tongue:

Anycase still having fun, frustrating every now and then I have to be honest, but yeah I’ll keep at it :smile:

#Side note: I have both my desktop and laptop setup exactly the same, os, username the lot… And the strange thing is that on my laptop I could create a “playerData.dat” just fine via that Application.persistentdatapath + “/playerData.dat” but on the desktop it gave me a access error… Maybe its me or the system or something else, thought I’d just mention it, maybe someone got something similar… Anycase not a major issue i’ll props figure something out. Note this is via testing/running through the editor only… havent tried a build version yet.

## EDIT: The side note was a mistake, I realized that on my laptop I named the projectfolder lowercase, and on the desktop I named it ProjectFolder. So the path could not be found, as the whole project started on my laptop… anycase scratch that…

i have two project,how to choose

if not setup javaJDK and SDK,is building work?

I solved this problem.First you must uninstall all Unity editor from PC.Second update Micosoft Visual Studio 2015 and activate key.And important and the problem when you install Unity you must install Unity on disc C or on disc D.YOU MUST HAVE THE FREE DISC SPACE WHERE YOU WANT TO INSTALL .

Thanks for the tip. When I faced the problem I always had to logout and back in. It was frustrating.