To reduce scene conflicts across the team we tend to split things up into small scenes. For example a front end screen will be in it’s own scene and a common background and header in 2 other scenes. When editing the screen it’s useful to be able to see the common bar and background, and with Multiscene you can:
Thanks! I use it even more now that I’ve tidied it up for the asset store. So easy to quickly look at another scene for reference or to copy something out of it. I hope others find it as useful as I do, I’m all ears for suggestions of improvements etc. I should check at some point that it plays nicely with Hierarchy2!
I would be more than happy to try to find a way to make Hierarchy2 work with your asset, can you send me a beta version or something that I can check it ? Or if you want to do it your self I will send you the dev version of Hierarchy2 so you can have a look.
I’ve just tested it with the version of Hierarchy2 on the asset store. I think all that is needed is to return early on in Hierarchy2’s EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI handling for any game object that has the Phi.MultiScene script on it. Such objects will always be in the root of the scene. This is the script that renders the header bar for each scene and also overrides the context menu to give scene specific options. I’ll get a copy of Multiscene to you.
Hi, i’ve bought this plugin just one thing, would this be obsolete when the multi-scene of unity 5 gets released too? Unity Blog or does it have some neat stuffs going for it that makes it better than unity’s?
I also purchase it and it works quite well. I too had a similar question, any plans on what features will be updated for Unity 5. Thanks a lot to both developers for quickly integrating their plugins since both combined (this asset and Hirerachy2) make a rapid solution for multiscene editing in Unity 4.
I’ve tested and ensured compatibility of Multiscene in Unity 5 which at present does not provide the base scene functionality that the promised native multi scene editing will make use of. It was the blog post that @cybervaldez linked to above that prompted me to tidy up my solution, which I’ve taken for granted over the last couple of years but not realised that I should share, into what you now see as Multiscene. I felt that the promised native functionality would most likely be near the mid cycle of Unity 5 and that it was worth while spending the time to create Multiscene so that people can benefit from the workflow, which I can’t be without now, in the meantime.
As soon as Unity 5’s promised multi scene editing is released, Multiscene will make use of the new APIs to optimise certain features which it has to maintain it’s self at present and will then offer the many other scene tools which by that time will be part of Multiscene. At present the plugin is just the core of what will become a toolkit for anything scene related, I have a huge list of features planned, including many which will help with managing the loading of scenes etc at run time.
If you have any suggestions on what improvements you would like to see first then let me know and I’ll prioritise them.
As it stands Multiscene does not effect anything at runtime, so when you hit play in Unity just the active scene is played and the extra scenes disappear during the play.
I could add an option to keep the extra scenes loaded but before I do that I’ll explain how I use it.
When I hit play I want the scene to work just as it would if you were running it on device and you loaded it. So it’s for that reason that any extra scenes you loaded during editing do not show up.
But obviously on some screens you want some of the component screens to be loaded automatically. I have a script which does this and am tidying it up for the next release of Multiscene.
It’s an ‘IncludeScene’ script you can add it to any scenes and whenever that scene is loaded it will ensure that the IncludedScene is also loaded. It copes with multiple scenes including the same scene and only loads it once.
So for example, all of my main menu screens (I use a scene for each screen) include a common background scene. So when I hit play in any of them they load the background and everything looks complete, if I then navigate to another screen it does an include of the background too, but this does nothing as the background is already loaded.
Let me know your thoughts on how you would like to use the tool and I’ll see if I can include your workflow too.
No video yet, but I’ll upload one once I’ve finalised it as I need to work out the finer details of how best to dress it up. Whilst it’s functional for my needs (used in 5 projects so far) I’ know how it works and there are a few additional ui bits and pieces I’d like to add to umph it up to asset store standards.
It uses Unity’s Application.LoadAdditive functionality yes.
Yep I have an update that I’m testing at the moment.
It addresses a rare edge case where a scene could revert to it’s original settings after entering play mode.
It also has a feature allowing you to specify a list of scenes. For each scene you can specify wether it should automatically be loaded in play mode and or edit mode, or you can leave both tick boxes un-ticked and use it as a handy list of bookmarks, clicking load when you need to.
I’d be interested in knowing what errors you have experienced, please email me at
so that I can help.