This thread is going to collect important updates on the project, milestones, and more.
We just updated the project to Unity 2019.4.11f1, the latest LTS available at the moment.
We also updated the following packages:
com.unity.addressables: 1.8.5
com.unity.cinemachine: 2.6.3
com.unity.ide.vscode: 1.2.2
com.unity.polybrush: 1.0.2
com.unity.probuilder: 4.4.0
com.unity.textmeshpro: 2.1.1
com.unity.timeline: 1.2.17
They’re all minor updates and shouldn’t bring any new functionality.
If you notice any problem related to the upgrade, please open an Issue on the repo.
At the request of the community, we have created an Open Projects Discord channel on the Official Unity Discord server.
Feel free to use the space for discussions, feedback and socializing. If you want to make official suggestions to the project, please create a thread here in the forums so everyone can contribute.
We will also be making a special role for Open Projects Contributors, you can message myself (AskAlice) or Ciro to get the role on Discord.
We have made main the default branch on the repository, instead of master.
All open PRs have been retargeted to main. On your end, you don’t need to make any change: if you had a PR in flight which is stemming from your local master branch, you can totally keep using that branch on your machine and we will just seamlessly merge it onto main on the official repository.
Also please note that on your existing fork, the default branch will still be master. For new forks, default branch will automatically be set to main.
Please make all new PRs against main from now on. Thanks.
We just posted a short survey to do a first round of voting to choose the title for the game! Please go ahead and vote for the ones you prefer, then we’ll do a final survey with just very few selected ones, so we can settle on one.
In other news, on Tuesday we’re going to have the second episode of the bi-weekly livestream about this project: Open Projects: The Journey - Ep.2. In this episode, we’re going to look at the latest progress, the state machine solution we (you) created, most probably the scene loading system, take a look at the latest developments on the graphic side, and more coming in hot.
Since it’s a livestream, you can already set a reminder on YouTube by going to the link below:
Next Tuesday, the third episode of the livestream is almost upon us!
As usual, you can use the link below to set up a reminder so you’ll be notified when we start it.
In this episode, we’ll reveal the title of the game (as chosen by the community), see how the graphics for the game are coming together, talk about new game systems in development and, finally, reveal new tasks that you can take on as usual.
See you on Tuesday!
The BIG MERGE is upon us!
I have just pushed the big merge we mentioned in the livestream the other day to main (and also to art-assets). You will now have access to brand new testing scenes, all the latest 3D art and shaders, and some animations too!
It even includes the Bard Hare (although he’s not yet rigged).
In addition to that, I have upgraded the project to use 2019.4.14f1, the latest LTS available as of now. The upgrade was seamless!
Also, I have upgraded packages to their latest versions, so:
- com.ide.vscode: 1.2.3
- com.unity.textmeshpro: 2.1.3
In addition to this, I added a new package which we will use soon:
- com.unity.animation.rigging: 0.2.7-preview
And yes, it’s in preview, so we’ll test it out for a bit before we decide whether to keep it or not. (in any case, it should be pretty stable - I’ve been using it since last year!)
Two things:
- Some PRs might have conflict now. Please fix them if you can, otherwise we’ll look into it (if it makes sense)
- If you find issues with this merge, report them on Github as usual
Hope you enjoy the merge!!
Just a big/small quick update. We have just reached 200 contributions on Github, between Issues opened and Pull Requests. 200!! In less than 2 months!
This is pretty cool and way above our expectations. And this is not including all the conversation going on here, the art posted, or the code reviews on Github (* though we do track these).
Thanks everyone who pitched in, even with just a one-liner PRs or a post on the forums.
Keep the contributions coming, and let’s make this game!!
Late reminder, but I hope you know already since you are subscribed to the Unity channel
Today we have the last livestream of the year! Be there, or we’ll see each other in 2021!
Oh also, if you’re a Google Calendar user, you can subscribe to this calendar to see Open Projects Livestreams and Devlogs directly in there
The second devlog is up! A condensed Open Project learning experience
Hope you like it!
(leave a comment if you do! ;))
PSA: The team will be on a break until the first days of January, so forum replies and PR reviews will allow down considerably.
You can of course still open PRs and keep the discussion going if you fancy! We might join here and there.
Also, we’re going to do the first 2021 livestream (Episode 6) on the 12th of January.
See you next year!
Small update, we updated these packages:
com.unity.recorder: 2.4.0-preview.1 > 2.5.2
com.unity.render-pipelines.universal: 7.5.1 > 7.5.2
PS: In the next days we will be updating the Unity build too, from 2019.4.14f1 to 2019.4.17f1 so download it if you don’t have it!
Quick one to say: don’t forget about the livestream today, in about 7 hours from now!
Today we’ll touch on scene loading (Amel), animation (me) and more game architecture (Chema), plus the usual community contributions, etc.
As usual, you can set a reminder on the video itself if you so wish! See you later!
Big small news: from today (yesterday?) the project is on 2019.4.18f1, aka the latest 2019 LTS available as of now.
Packages have been updated too, mostly small bugfixes. Nothing should break in the upgrade.
As usual, since they are very minor version you could probably open the project with a previous 2019.4 and it should still work, but please, double check your changes and only send the files that are strictly connected to your change (i.e. don’t send files that have changed because you downgraded the project).
New devlog is out! This time it’s about input. As usual, you’ll find the pre-migrated demo to 2021.1 in the appropriate branch (devlogs/3-input
) on the repository, linked in the video description too.
So much of what’s in it is your contribution
Hey all, tomorrow we have our 7th episode of our bi-weekly livestream, The Journey!
Come check it out! Same time as usual!
Hey all: we’re dismissing side branches like state-machine-improvements
, whiteboxing
and obviously the temporary ones we make for ourselves, like localization
or Quest-system
Where to make PRs?
We plan to roll forward with just main
, to which you can make all your general purpose PRs, and art-assets
, for art-related PRs. (should we drop that too?)
We obviously still encourage you to create local branches on your machine to work on your PRs, but they should always point to these two branches.
Other branches
In addition to these working branches, we created a branch called release
which contains version we consider more clean and that can be built to an executable. You can use them for testing the game from a QA point of view.
Finally, all the branches that begin with devlog/xxx
represent demo branches associated with the video devlogs, so don’t make PRs towards them. They generally don’t get updated in time.
Updated a few packages:
com.unity.addressables: 1.16.15 > 1.16.16
com.unity.localization: 0.9.0-preview > 0.10.0-preview
com.unity.inputsystem: 1.0.1 > 1.0.2
com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline: 1.16.1
com.unity.render-pipelines.universal: 7.5.2 > 7.5.3
All minor changes and fixes.
Maybe start downloading the latest LTS (2019.4.19f1) so you have it on your machine, since we will update the project soon