Hey all.
Thank you very much for the comments, suggestions, and encouragement for NOMBZ ONLINE.
The camera is pretty standard chase camera. WHat do you mean by “more” or “better”?
We’re going for a pretty simple arcade action kind of game, at least to start. As the game evolves, we may consider things like ammo counts.
This should be fixed now.
You probably didn’t kill them, just knocked them down. Only critical headshots kill a zombie and add to your kill score. One thing the game is currently really lacking is player instruction. I have tried to alleviate this in recent builds by putting a lot of info on the load screen.
Again, we’re going for that arcade action game thing. A crosshair would not be appropriate given the camera/gameplay as it would constantly be bouncing back and forth on the player’s forward.
Yep, you can do this. We tweaked zombie move speeds and damage a bit. I want to do more work on the scoring system so it’s based more on a “kills per minute” sort of mechanism. Still lots of gameplay evolution ahead, me thinks.
Unity3D networking.
Hm, as shown at the top of the screen, you should be able to press M to toggle mouse lock. Failing that, hitting Esc to bring up the Menu and then clicking Return to Game should lock the mouse. Failing that, well, something’s busted.
Oh, for sure! More weapons and weapon upgrades are very much on the roadmap! I’m working on a military theme right and have added SMG and a thrown grenade. Very fun.
Again, this is simple arcade action type gameplay. We’re thinking of Robotron and Geometry Wars more than Quake or GTA.
Haha oops! That was a typo! Thanks for the catch.
Yeah, PC animations aren’t working quite right yet. We’re getting there.
Hm, OK, let me think about that.
We’re workin on it! And thanks.
Hrrm, I’d rather NOT have performance issues in SP, but there’s still some optimization tricks I can try.
Agree completely! This beta is mainly getting in a strong foundation before branching out. We have plans, believe me, we have plans. Muahahahaha!
Thanks again all!