permisson issues


I have a very strange problem with Unity.
Everytime i start a certain project i get the message “Setting permission of project folder” after that i type in my password but it didnt response on it. After 2 trys Unity close.
If i delete or move the projectfolder unity start and i can create a new project / load a different one. but if i connect to the asset-server and update the one certain project and leave unity i get the message again.
Same happens if i try to open the project which i moved. I get the message again and have to move/rename/delete it again.

I already tried to remove the password from the system but that didnt helped. I also set the permission of the folder and all subfolders to 777 but that didnt work.

Any suggestions what to do to get Unity to run proper?

thx for help


chmod -R 777 .*

For some reason chmod does not change permissions of dot files with *.

thx for your reply but as i wrote i have already set the permission to 777 recursive and it didnt help (dot files included).

Also it dosn´t take the username and password for the admin account. If i type an incorrect password it response correct (wrong username or password message appears) but if i type the correct one the input field appears again. So i think it dosnt have to do with the permission and looks to me more like a bug or something else.

We been having problems with permissions and correcting them using chmod -R. Chmod seem not to go inside bundles, etc.

Check ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log. You should be able to find out what file is causing the problem. If unity failed to correct permissions there will be plenty of errors on that, but before those you should find more meaningful stuff.

You can also try to set permissions using

find . \! -perm -777 -exec chmod 777 {} \;

Find seems to be more predictable than chmod -R in OSX.

Have you saved a standalone player into the project folder? If so, every time you open the project after creating a new build, Unity will ask to fix the project’s permissions because the player’s application bundle will be set up differently. Removing the standalone player from the project and saving new ones in some other location should fix the problem.

Regarding chmod, it should work as expected on OSX. It can certainly recurse into application bundles. If it doesn’t even when you seem to otherwise have access, maybe there’s an ACL in effect which is overruling POSIX permissions in that part of the folder hierarchy.

Thx to all i solved to problem.

It was a malformed file that unity wasn´t able to read. Found the error by looking in the Editor.log.

Thx again for help