The problem in question description.
Proff 1:
Proff 1 explanation:
We cast a Line from Context (the box that casts lines ) to all points in the scene that satisfy an IF statement provided in the next picture.
Obviously, you can see Line passes through Wall(13) that has tag == Enemy and a valid Box Collider.
So I made a function, getAllVisiblePositions, where first I get AllPositionsInDirection (explanation in code comments) and then for each point in that list, I cast a line and check if it hit the Wall(13), in the picture, at least 2 lines should hit that wall, and make it impossible to be added to list of visible points.
In the console, the TRUE string is not printed, like it never hits the Wall(13).
Number 11 is Layer for the floor, so the line cast ignores it.
Component debugObjectValidity is on every point in sceen.
Am I doing something wrong, or this is a bug?