I tried to do scene.MergePartOccurrancesByRegions, size of regions 10000,
but its stuck on Raking… probably took 1-2hrs into 2%.
Any alternatives on how to do this or to make raking faster or skip it?
model has 440k parts, 25m tris.
I tried to do scene.MergePartOccurrancesByRegions, size of regions 10000,
but its stuck on Raking… probably took 1-2hrs into 2%.
Any alternatives on how to do this or to make raking faster or skip it?
model has 440k parts, 25m tris.
Same issue with mergePartOccurrancesByAssemblies, hangs half way or later. Nothing in log.
Model has only 3640 parts, 788k tris.
Seems to work after upgrading to latest beta!
Thanks for the continuous feedback @mgear, much appreciated
So you confirm you no longer have hanging issues with Merge functions after upgrading to version 2024.1.0.38?
Thank you
Yes, and works very fast!
(i was waiting hours previously and it never finished, now it finishes in seconds)