Is it possible to download and play Youtube video in unity3d through url?
If yes how?
Yes, it is possible. But only support for ios currently and it is direct stream, without download the video. See ✖ I am a Programmer™ ✖: iYoutube Unity iOS Plugin
For anyone looking for this functionality we have launched a Unity Plugin on the asset store for playing YouTube videos natively on iOS AND Android.
Hopefully this helps out anyone looking!
Let us know if there are any additional features required.
Here you can watch a desktop solution for texturing youtube in Unity.
It uses ffmpeg. The package is not available on unity asset store .
You can try this site downloads your youtube video just put this URL on search box
No this doesnt help at all. Im on Windows 10 and shouldnt have to literally go to to watch a video in Unity3d asset store
Is it possible to add that for HTML5 without stepping on a CORS-type problem?
Thanks for the great support already at everyone - can’t be said enough!
it’s 2020 and I still need answers… thank you.