'Player' AnimationEvent 'NewEvent' has no receiver! Are you missing a component?

I have a gameobject named “Player”. I made new AnimatorController, added 2 Animations and put it to Animator component of my Player gameobject.

I keep getting error
‘Player’ AnimationEvent ‘NewEvent’ has no receiver! Are you missing a component?

I’ve looked some earlier threads, and that didn’t solve the problem.

Unity version I’m using is the newest one, Unity 5.0 stable version.


You probably did add a Animation event named ‘NewEvent’ on one of your clip. But you didn’t add the MonoBehaviour on your game object with a function to answer this event.

Select your animation clip asset file and remove any event that shouldn’t be there.


Please bear with me, I’m trying to see events in my animations, but when I click/double click on animation, it doesn’t show animation window. I try to open Animation window from Window → animation, but it only shows up window with no events.

Just to mention that I’m using Animation clips from Survival shooter (Idle and Move)


Once you animation window is open, select you game object with the Animator component.
Browse all the clip from you controller and look if one of them does have some animation event that are not setup correctly, simply remove them.


Thank you for you answers!

I tried to do what you showed, but I didn’t get the list of events as you. There is some warning message in animation window.

I found events like this


Exactly, this was the next thing to try. If the clip is read-only then you need to look at the model importer and see if some animation event were added.

The reason why you get this warning in the animation window is because you did check the Optimize Game object hierarchy for this asset in the model importer under Tab Rig.


Yes, that’s exactly the reason why it didn’t show anything in Animation window, but I wasn’t able to find Optimize Game Object option. Thank you again!

I had same problem… :smile:
Thank you!

Same problem with Survival Shooter (+1)

But in the end, how should I remove this error? How can I uncheck Optimize Game Object? I don’t really want to reimport, as that would override my whole work, wouldn’t?

Update: Actually, the game works perfectly despite the error message. Maybe I shouldn’t bother, but the error message is just annoying me. Should I just leave it as it be?


The problem comes from a new event on the Zombunny’s Idle clip. simply go to the Models / Characters folder and select Zombunny. in the inspector under animation tab / clips select the idle clip and expand events. Select the event on the time line and right lick and choose delete event.


Thanks guys, I was having the same issue, you’re awesome !

Hey thanks!

Thank you.

thank you so much

Awesome,… same problem here… only difference was that the event was in the Player Death event animation

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Very helpful thanks for this forum helped solve my issues

Just Check To See If The Name You Have For The Event Is The Same As Whats In Your Script. I just had this problem then i realized that my event was named similar but not the same as my script. JUST CHECK YOUR NAMING AND EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FINE

How exactly do you right lick? Also, where is the models/characters folder?

I solved it that way, right click restart level,delet animation event.