Prefab Score Problem

i have problem
it is little bit strange
i dont understand what is wrong with it
i creates a script to collect score
when bullet hit enemy tank
score should increase by one
and that is it
‪#‎pragma‬ strict
var score : int = 0 ;
var guiscore : GUIText ;
function Start () {
function Update () {
function coinsincrease( cin : int )
//coins = coins + 10 ;
score += 1 ;
guiscore.text = " "+ score ;
function OnTriggerEnter ( hit : Collider )
if ( hit.gameObject.tag == “IncreaseScore” )
i tried it using character controller
when he hit a sphere
it is working so well
i am using bullets as a prefab
First thing i met is gui text not able to be in the script of the bullet prefab
why i don’t know ? !
so i made the gui text as a prefab to use it in the bullet prefab
and now
it is just work for one time
i mean
when bullet hit the tank
score increase + 1
and if hit another tank nothing happen
it is just happen one time
any one have idea about that ?

What object is this script on? The GUItext object?


as u can see here
i made gui as prefab to use it on score script
on bullet prefab



You are using OnTriggerEnter, for for 1 thing you need to set the bullet collier Is Trigger option to true. You can see this option on the collider componenet in your image. Also be sure the barrel has a collider as well.

There are multiple setups for collision, i would look here to start Unity - Scripting API: Collider

nothing happen
i think there is something i should do
but i don’t know what is it ? !!

if ( hit.gameObject.tag == "IncreaseScore" )

Who has the “IncreaseScore” tag on them? try it without the if statement. This is hard to diagnose without know exactly how all the object involved are setup.

the tanks prefab got ( increaseScore )