–Studio ZA/UM, developer of 2019 Game of the Year Disco Elysium,
made with the Dialogue System for Unity
The Dialogue System is a proven, complete solution for interactive conversations, designed from the ground up with a polished user interface system, cutscene sequences (camera shots, animation, etc.), node-based visual conversation editor, dynamic state, and more, with easy integration into your existing gameplay framework.
You can find the Dialogue System in RPGs, adventure games, shooters, visual novels, and many other genres. In business and industry, the Dialogue System features in corporate training applications, procedural law simulations, and other serious games.
Try out the Evaluation Version for free
Requires Unity 4.6.5 or higher.
- Visual, node-based editor
- Optional compact outline-based editor perfect for large conversations
- Edit-time conversation player for quick testing
- Importers for Chat Mapper, articy:draft, Arcweave, Celtx, Twine, Ink, CSV, and Neverwinter Nights
- Built-in localization support, or use Unity Localization package or i2 Localization
- No scripting required
- Dynamic, branching conversation trees
- Barks and gameplay alerts
- Cutscenes (voice acting, audio, animation, camerawork, etc.)
- Quick Time Events (QTEs)
- Quest system
- NPC status relationship system
- Easy language localization
- Save/load without scripting
- Optional Lua scripting and variable system supports sophisticated dialogue conditions
- Comprehensive documentation and tutorials
Runtime UIs:
GUI-independent; works with all GUI systems
Built-in support for the Unity UI, Unity GUI, NGUI, TextMesh Pro, and others
Modular interfaces: swap in your own UI or cutscene system
Several beautiful, fully-customizable UI skins
Detailed sci-fi environment & animated model
Works in 2D, 3D, VR, and AR
Provides general-purpose integration components for any framework, plus custom components for drop-in integration into:
Cinemachine & Timeline
Action-RPG Starter Kit
Adventure Creator
AI Tree
Animator Timeline Editor
Behavior Designer
Compass Navigator Pro
Core GameKit
Corgi Platformer Engine
Customizable Sci-fi Holo Interface
Easy Save
Emerald AI
Lively Chat Bubbles
Look Animator
I2 Localization
Inventory Engine
Inventory Pro
Localization Package
Master Audio
Now We’re Talking
Opsive Ultimate Character Controllers
Opsive Ultimate Inventory System
ORK Framework
Quest Machine
RPG Builder
Realistic FPS Prefab
Rogo LipSync
SALSA with RandomEyes
SLATE Cinematic Sequencer
Speech Recognition System
Super Text Mesh
Opsive Character Controllers
Opsive Ultimate Inventory System
Text Animator
Top-Down RPG Starter Kit
Ultimate Notification System
uSequencer Cutscene Creator
Visual Scripting
Yarn Spinner
For Programmers:
- Includes complete, thoroughly documented & optimized C# source code
- Designed to be easily extended without modifying source – lots of event hooks!
- Full API reference
Tested on standalone, web, mobile, and consoles.
Change History:
Version 2.2.46:
- Changed: If Dialogue Manager’s Allow Alerts During Conversations is UNticked, now queues alerts during conversations for when conversation ends.
- Improved: Conversation dropdowns (e.g., Dialogue System Trigger) now have Open button to quickly open conversation in Dialogue Editor.
- Improved: Dialogue Editor Watches tab now shows active conversations with buttons to jump to conversation in editor.
- Improved: Added option to remove synced content from other databases when breaking sync connection.
- Improved: Usable.overrideName, Usable.overrideUseMessage, and Selector/ProximitySelector.defaultUseMessage are now virtual properties.
- Improved: StandardDialogueUI.CloseAfterPanelsAreClosed is now virtual.
- Improved: Added InputDeviceManager.cursorLockMode if you want to change default cursor lock mode from Locked to Confined.
- Improved: Added Misc section to Lua “…” wizards containing relevant built-in Lua functions.
- Improved: Added no repeat option to RandomizeNextEntry() sequencer command and Lua function.
- Fixed: SetContinueMode(original) sequencer command.
- Fixed: StandardUISubtitlePanel.ShowContinueButton() when other process delays continue button and block input duration is set.
- Fixed: Updated Tools.StripTextMeshProTags to strip , , , , , and .
- Fixed: Removed temporary debug log line from StandardUIQuestLogWindow that was inadvertently left in.
- Fixed: SaveSystem.saveDataApplied is now still invoked even if scene has no savers.
- Fixed: DialogueLua.SetVariable() and IncrementOnDestroy now observew Assignment.MonitoredVariables.
- Changed: Release of sequencer camera now only waits 1 frame plus end of frame to allow active required commands to finish instead of 2 frames.
Third Party Support:
Adventure Creator: Lua action now uses “…” wizard.
Added “Reorder IDs” option.
Fixed importer translation of “///”.
Custom Conditions property content now properly goes into dialogue entry’s Conditions field.
Instruction nodes followed by input pin condition now import a buffer node between to delay evaluation until instruction code has run.
Cinemachine: Updated integration for Unity 6 (Cinemachine 3) compatibility.
i2 Localization: DialogueSystemUseI2Language component now has option to use custom field (e.g., Articy Id) for dialogue entry terms.
Ink: Added Lua(x) function.
Input System: Monitors InputSystem.onDeviceChange. No need to configure Joystick/Keyboard inputs To Watch.
Playmaker: Added Add/SubtractFsmFloat/Int() Lua functions.
SALSA Lipsync Suite: SALSA components can now be on subject’s child GameObjects.
Text Animator: Updated to support typewriter skip ahead without animating skipped characters. Requires Text Animator 2.1.2+.
Timeline: Improved preview text for Timeline-controlled conversations; added ability to override dialogue UI.
Yarn: Added <> command to append sequences to previous line.
Version 2.2.45:
- Improved: Added Allow Custom Actor Panels checkbox to Standard Dialogue UI component.
- Improved: Exposed Dialogue System Trigger > Stop Conversation On Trigger Exit > Margin To Allow Trigger Exit to inspector.
- Improved: Standard Dialogue UI’s allowDialogueActorCustomPanels now applies to menu panels in addition to subtitle panels.
- Improved: Added StandardDialogueUI.ShowActorInPanel() method.
- Fixed: SetPanel(actor, panel, immediate) now initializes portraits even if actor wasn’t previously in another panel.
- Fixed: Assignment.VariableChanged() event is now called after variable has been changed to new value.
- Fixed: StandardUISubtitleControls.SetTypewriterSpeed() didn’t set speed.
- Fixed: StandardUISubtitlePanel > Add Speaker Name was added to display but not recorded in accumulatedText.
- Fixed: Added “Main” checkboxes to Item and Location templates in Dialogue Editor.
Third Party Support:
- Adventure Creator: Updated for 1.80 and AC’s new asmdefs.
- Arcweave: Fixed build issue.
- articy:draft: Updated articy 3.x localization importer addon with some bug fixes.
- Compass Navigator Pro 2: Added integration.
- RPG Builder: Now sets player’s Display Name field so you can use that instead of rpgGetPlayerName() if you prefer.
Please post any feedback here or email support (at) pixelcrushers (dot) com.