Odin puts your Unity workflow on steroids, making it easy to build powerful and advanced user-friendly editors for you and your entire team.
Awesome gamedev teams using Odin to save time and unlock the full potential of Unity:
We’ve enjoyed 96% 5-star ratings on the AssetStore (thanks for the amazing feedback!) and are only just getting started!
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What makes Odin so great, you ask?
With an effortless integration that deploys perfectly into pre-existing workflows, Odin allows you to serialize anything and enjoy Unity with 50+ new inspector attributes, no boilerplate code and so much more!
First of all, Odin is super extendable, easily integratable and includes full source code access. And that’s just for starters.
Read on below to find out how Odin deals with Serialization, Input Validation, Value Dropdowns, Powerful Lists, Customizable Layouts, Color Palettes, Asset Lists and more!
We’re on a mission to build the best inspector and serializer ever for Unity, and that includes constant feature updates and patches, so don’t hold back with the suggestions!
Odin Inspector & Serializer has been developed by the fantastic team at Sirenix, and published by Devdog.
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Serialize Anything!
We’ve built a custom serialization protocol allowing you to either inherit from one of our SerializedBehaviour, SerializedScriptableObject etc. or add a few lines of code to your existing class, and everything serializable shall be serialized.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, it has:
- Full support for polymorphism, cyclic references and null values
- Full prefab support
- Serialize delegates
- Build in Binary and Json Formatters
- High performance and close to zero garbage generation
- Follows all Microsoft’s .NET serialization standards
- Customize serialization by creating your own type formatters and data formats
- Supports external references to objects such as Unity objects and assets.
- Mergeable via source control
Dictionaries can now finally be drawn and edited directly in the inspector.
Note that while the serializer can serialize all dictionaries, the inspector is limited to only draw dictionaries with a primitive key type such as string, int, byte etc. The Value type can be anything you want.
- Support all value types
- Fully serialized just by inheriting from SerializedMonoBehaviour
Input Validation
Odin lets you easily write custom validation logic to ensure and give sensible feedback for invalid input.
- Write custom input validation logic
- Prevent invalid values from being set
- Give designers useful feedback in the inspector
- Provide custom UI messages to properties
- Use build in attributes such as SceneObjectsOnly and AssetsOnly
…and Scene Validation
- Odin also provides a Scene Validation Window, which lets you scan entire scenes for errors, warnings, missing references etc.
Powerful Lists
All arrays and lists implementing Microsofts’ IList interface are drawn by our powerful list drawer.
- Drag and drop, insert and delete individual items
- Cross-list and even cross-window item dragging
- Paging for lists with many items
- Nested list drawing
- Fully customizable through settings and / or using attributes.
Inline Editor
Member References
Customizable Layouts
Arranging, labeling, hiding and grouping your properties helps the user to faster find what they are looking for.
- Group properties into Tab Groups, Foldout Groups, Toggle Groups, Horizontal Groups, Button Groups and more
- Hide or show properties based on your custom conditions
- Custom property orderering
- Mark properties readonly or disabled
- Subscribe to on value changed
- Hide or rename labels entirely
- Display custom messages based on values
- Easily draw custom GUI before or after properties
And much much more!..
Color Palettes
Define project-based color palettes for your hole team to share. Color properties with a ColorPalette attribute will then show a color palette right next to the color picker in one line.
- Works with all Unity’s Color types
- Palettes are stored as an asset, making the entire team share the same color palettes
- Easily create new custom color palettes
Value Dropdowns
One way of preventing invalid values is by providing the user with a list of valid values to choose from.
With Odin, the ease of dropdown selection is no longer limited to just enums. Simply reference a list and it will now give you a dropdown with values to choose from.
- Create dropdowns for any type
- Works with static and instance methods, fields and properties
- Specify name for items that does not implement a proper ToString()
Asset Lists
Finding the right assets can sometimes be a hurdle in big projects with lots of files. The AssetList attribute replaces the default list drawer, with a toggle-list of all relevant assets relevant to your use case. The user can then toggle relevant assets in and out of your list.
- Only shows assets assignable to your list type
- Works on all asset types, including components within assets
- Auto populate mode that automatically includes all relevant assets
- Easily create new assets that meets your constraints
- Filter the asset list with filters such as, asset folder location, gameobject tags, gameobject layers, name prefixes etc…
But most importantly! Odin is fully customizable
We make it easy to configure how you want the inspector to act in your project, and trivial to create new configurations for your own custom drawer types.
- Customize the inspector to suit your needs and preferences
- Create integrated configurations for your own drawers
To-Do List for Odin:
- Save play mode changes
- Delegate Drawer for any delegate type
- Adding a static inspector
- Object snapshots / restore feature allowing you to restore an object to previously saved states
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- Your friends at Devdog and Sirenix.