[RELEASED] Physics Siege Engines System

Vision of the world” studio welcomes you all!

We are pleased to introduce you our first product - Physics Siege Engines System.
Link to asset store: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
This plug-in allows to create modularly the siege weapon, which work is based on
Unity’s physics.

At the moment, it includes the following weapons:

  • siege tower;

  • battering ram;

  • catapult (onager)

What does this system include itself?

  • Details’ constructor: ability to add it’s own personal details is available for each weapon, as well as step-constructor of final construction.

  • Physical controller: each weapon is controlled by the Unity’s physics, adjusted automatically. You can play with physics settings, if you want to get another result.

  • More than 50 parts, which can be used for creation of different combinations.

  • Almost completely parts are assembled from the base model - boards.
    They are also included in the plug-in, with their help you can assemble your own item at your 3d editor.

  • Three kinds of textures. Clean, bloody and dirty. Also PSD file is included, with which you can adjust the texture necessary namely to you.

As a result, you get a high-quality 3D models with dynamic animation, that properly interact with the world, rather than to the given path. We continue developing of this asset, fixing some bugs and adding new features. Therefore, we’ll be glad to hear all advice and wishes.

Follow this thread for additional information.


for future recordings #1

for future recordings #2

Here is Siege Tower demo,

looks nice. is it possible to add my own parts?

Hi, DonSKOR.
Yes, of course. You can add your own parts. But you need to add necessary sockets and colliders(in some cases).
Vision of the World team.

New demo!
Today it’s battering ram.

And here is demo of last engine - Onagre (Catapult).
Next work will be fixing bugs&finishing editors.

We submited our asset!
(Video is accelerated)

Hi to all!
After few weeks of work, fixing some errors and fully changed onager&battering ram behaviours - we have been published! :sunglasses:
Hurry up to buy our asset, because with every added weapon to plugin - price will crease immediately!
Link to asset store: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
Support: tanyushasokolyuk@gmail.com
Any questions and suggestions you can write to support or right here!
Good luck!

Happy holidays to everyone!
We congratulate you with New Year&Christmas!
We want to make a gift to you. So, write here what you want to see in next update(new textures? or new variations of models? or maybe new siege engines?) and after few weeks it will be done WITHOUT ANY PRICE CHANGING!
Vision of the World team.

Hi, i’m planning to make a game and would like to use your asset but i don’t see weapon something like this. Can you add it in the future? It’s really would be great

Hello, Dantes_21!
Thanks for your feedback. We planned to add this in our next update.
Wait a little time and you will see it as soon as possible! If you have any details - write us.
Regards and happy holidays,
Vision of the World.

Hi to all!
For now, we are working hard on new update. Here is new siege weapon: BALLISTA!

Follow our news,
Vision of the World team!

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Hello, friends!
As we promised, we made free update of our plugin - new weapon - BALLISTA!
Check out our product for detailed information.
Vision of the World team!


Good news for our customers!
We made our next update - 1.2
In this update you will see - new Stone Thrower & Log Thrower. These engines will help you to protect your castle from enemies.
So, updated battering ram controller. In project also putted simple door’s manager and prefab - for demonstrating how to interact with new ram controller.
Here is some of screenshots and video-demonstration!

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Our update has been approved to the store!

But our work on this asset doesn’t stop. We have a lot of ideas (like a custom walls, new siege engines, arrow & siege engine’s bullets controllers and other) - check out our news for last information.
If you have any wishes and tips - write it, don’t scare:)
Vision of the World team!


Hello everybody!
We have made mini-update of our asset - new hand-painted texture.
And good news - there is a week for you to make a proposition what do you want to see in the next update. The best of them will appear soon!
Vision of the World team!

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Greetings all
Our plugin has been selected for MAY MADNESS SALE!
Enjoy AAA quality siege engines with a good discount :slight_smile:
Good luck!