Rocket Smoke particle trails


Some months ago, I replied to this thread :
Since then, I’ve been stuck on some more important work, but now I’ll have more free time to work again on this.
The goal here is to get a convincing smoke trail, properly lit by the main light in the scene.

27 August 2013 update :
Current demo : Unity Web Player | Puffy Smoke

Previous look :

Current look :

If you have any comment, I’ll be happy to read them too :wink:

Hi !

Nobody seems interested until now ^_^;
Anyway, I’ve improved the framerate, and fixed some major bugs.
Now the light can be animated and the particles are lighted properly according to it :slight_smile:
I have now to find a solution to get a faster mesh update, not sure if this is possible…

Nice rendering.

Do you have a screenshot or a webplayer if the parent is in motion ?


Not yet, I’m still working on cleaning and optimizing the code for performances.
I’ll try to do a demo with a moving parent this week end

I’ve found some time to work on it, I’ve also added some more optimizations :wink:

Test here : Alexandre Labedade - Alesk - Développement Unity 3D - Infographie Blender 3D

This version let see the smoke trail behind a homing missile

New update !

From now, the new url for the next updates will be here : Alexandre Labedade - Alesk - Développement Unity 3D - Infographie Blender 3D
(first post updated)

In this version I’ve added some life time and fading options on the particles :slight_smile:

Looks interesting.

I see you’re building a mesh - I suppose you’re not using the unity particle system?

yep, I don’t use it since I need a precise control of what is displayed on each particle.
but I didn’t look in details into shuriken, maybe I could use it to do that

I suppose you can use the positions and spawn particle systems for each “cloud” with the “prewarm” feature on.

But the current results look pretty good, and the only thing that could possibly give to them is modifying the clouds a bit easier.

Really cool, You could make a first person view Missile Command.

This is awesome mate! Nice job!

Do plan on releasing it as an asset pack? I’d definitely be interested. :slight_smile:


That looks pretty cool.

Yes I’ll release it on the asset store, but I have still some work to do to add everything I want :wink:

looking good but what are the drawcalls?

I like it!

Sure… It’s a nice addon for KSP . Nice work btw :wink:

Bon courage.


AFAIK, one, but not sure of this. How could I measure it for sure ?

[EDIT] ok, I’ve found how, I’ve removed the rendering of everything else, and since I use a single mesh for it, I get 1 drawcall for the full smoke :slight_smile:

Looks good well done.

Ach, I could watch that rocket trail for hours, so lovely! Can’t imagine how you’ve done it (magic!), but here’s one buyer ready to go. One issue- could there be an option for more variance? ie choppier, more scattered, rougher.

Thanks ^^

Of course I can add many options to vary the global shape of the smoke, but I’m stuck on a smooth and circular shape on the texture to keep this volumetric effect, so if the particles are too far away from each others, it will just looks odd :confused:
I’m working on it !