Scenes magically get removed from Build Settings just by saving them

I find that intermittently the Unity Editor unticks scenes in my Build Settings when I edit / save a scene - seemingly all by itself - without me going anywhere near Build Settings.

This is a pain because when I playtest in the editor my game needs to frequently load scenes (using SceneManager.LoadScene) as the player progresses - which breaks if any of the scenes are not ticked in the Build Settings “Scenes in Build” list.

Unless I check the Build Settings EVERY TIME and re-tick the unticked ones before I press play I can waste up to several minutes of test time at a time before I get to a scene that then fails to load, which is very frustrating.

Has anyone experienced this same behavior, know what could be causing it or know of a viable workaround?

Is Unity up to date and did you already delete the library folder?

Up to date - yes, I am on 2022.3.43f (LTS) and I just tried deleting Library folder and reimporting everything… issue persists.

Then I suggest to file a bug report