When running in the editor on Mac Retina screens, Screen.width and Screen.height report different values when called from Awake and Start (points in Awake, pixels in Start). Screen.dpi is reported as the same value. The following script when dropped on an empty object in an empty scene with a default editor layout in 5.4.0b3 reports the following values:
using UnityEngine;
public class ScreenSizeTest : MonoBehaviour {
void Awake() {
Debug.Log("AWAKE: SCREEN SIZE IS " + Screen.width + ", " + Screen.height + "(" + Screen.dpi + ")");
void Start () {
Debug.Log("START: SCREEN SIZE IS " + Screen.width + ", " + Screen.height + "(" + Screen.dpi + ")");
2488048–171602–ScreenSizeTest.unitypackage (4.87 KB)